5 tips for the bedtime ritual

Baby sleep: the importance of the ritual

Each parent has a unique way of dealing with bedtime. But one thing is certain, to help the child fall asleep peacefully, a ritual is necessary, even essential, at all ages. This break time helps to prepare the little one for the long separation of the night. By repeating it, the ritual reassures and gives known landmarks, it confirms to the child that the night will pass like the previous one.

Avoid overstimulation before sleeping

The toddler is subjected to an abundance of stimulation during his day. As bedtime is approaching, this is not the time to play hide and seek or cat perched, priority to calm activities. It is important that the child can benefit from a quiet, ritualized moment, in order to be able to prepare for the separation of the night. 

Establish a ritual in the child’s room

To allow him to endure the long separation of the night, it is preferable that this break time be spent in the child’s room. The more time the child spends in his room, the more comfortable he is there, especially when falling asleep. If he plays perpetually in the living room, you implicitly send him the message that his room is not a safe place. After dinner, we move towards the bedroom for quiet games, hugs, songs and little by little we lead the child in his bed. 

Everyone has their own ritual 

Everyone invents their ritual. Songs, music, hugs, stories… there is no right or wrong ritual. What is important, however, is the regularity of gestures. Children love repetitive activities! As much as possible, try to stick to the ritual you have established.

Set a start and an end 

Some bedtime rituals do not end, it lasts for hours, which empties them of all meaning and removes their reassuring function. A ritual must be determined in time. By staying with your baby for a very long time, you reveal your inability to separate from him and in a way indicate to him that the night is dangerous ground. 

Respect the child’s request

It’s okay to tell the same story over and over again. If a child wishes, it is because he finds something there. The more the child grows, the more it is necessary to expand the ritual because the more he will claim during this calm time what he did not have during his day. And on your side, don’t force yourself, if you don’t like singing songs, if one evening you feel tired, pass the baton to dad and vice versa. The child is a sponge and feels all the unspoken, the ritual will not be reassuring if you do it without envy.

Reserve a little time for each child 

The ideal is to devote a little moment to each child. For example, you can read a little book to each in bed, even if the other is only listening with one ear. And if the sunsets are postponed, that’s no reason to skip the ritual. Everyone is entitled to their dose of affection. 

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