5 things you need to take care of when you have diabetes

Diabetes, due to its prevalence, is now considered a disease of civilization. Inadequately treated, it can lead to impairment of the functioning of many organs (including the kidneys, eyes and heart) and systems. Check what you need to take care of especially in type 2 diabetes to prevent irreversible changes in the body.

Diabetes mellitus is the result of a disruption in insulin production or its malfunction in the body, resulting in the body’s cells not using glucose properly. The most common form of diabetes (80 to 90% of all cases) is insulin-dependent diabetes, called type 2 diabetes.

Factors favoring the development of the disease are genetic and environmental conditions, mainly abdominal obesity. Until recently, the problem mainly affected the elderly. Unfortunately, young people and even teenagers are struggling with it more and more often.

It would seem that with such a large scale of the problem, diabetics should have easy access to all the necessary information. Meanwhile, many of them do not know, for example, what a good blood glucose meter should have, i.e. a portable device for measuring blood sugar levels.

Systematic treatment under the supervision of a doctor

From the moment diabetes is diagnosed, its treatment lasts a lifetime and is focused on maintaining proper blood glucose levels as close as possible to those of healthy people. It consists in a radical change in lifestyle, i.e. the introduction of an appropriate diet and physical activity, and the implementation of pharmacological measures. Treatment must be individually tailored to each patient, as the picture of the disease is different for each individual case. Patients react differently to stress, infection, exercise, medication and food. Follow-up examinations ordered by a doctor, carried out systematically, allow to monitor the condition of the disease and, if necessary, to modify the dose and type of drugs. Unfortunately, many diabetics neglect follow-up visits when they think the condition is “under control”. However, it should be remembered that a diabetologist should be the first source of information, for example, about changing standards regarding the accuracy of a meter.

Systematic self-monitoring of blood glucose using a blood glucose meter

The meter is a portable device that allows you to check your blood glucose level. It is essential for every diabetic. Systematic self-control of glycaemia, i.e. blood sugar level, allows you to control your health condition and react quickly if necessary – by modifying the diet or changing the dosage of drugs. Sometimes people with diabetes have several blood glucose meters and, with alarming results, compare the measurements, most often suggesting a better reading. This is a mistake. The meter should be one, but proven and reliable. Meanwhile, older devices often fail to meet the EN ISO 15197: 2015 standard for their accuracy. For this reason, test strips for older cameras will disappear from pharmacies this year. It is worth replacing your old blood glucose meter with a new one today, especially as it can be done free of charge. During a visit to a diabetes clinic, it is enough to ask about the more modern OneTouch Select® Plus or OneTouch Select Plus Flex® device and the prescription for the matching OneTouch Select® Plus test strips.

Diet plays a very important role in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In the initial stage of the disease, thanks to a properly designed menu, physical activity and the resignation from stimulants, and glycemic monitoring with an appropriate glucometer, the disease can be controlled. Only when the disease is more advanced, oral antidiabetic drugs or insulin are used. In fact, a diabetic diet is no different from a standard, healthy meal. It should contain all the nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals) in the right proportions, ensuring the right calorific value. It is particularly important that the products consumed by diabetics have a low glycemic index (GI), i.e. they do not suddenly raise blood sugar levels (the table of products with a specific glycemic index can be found on the website of the Food and Nutrition Institute). It must be remembered that high GI foods cause a sudden increase in glycemia and an equally rapid decrease in it. Research shows that high postprandial glycemia is a factor contributing to protein glycation, i.e. the binding of glucose to proteins, and increases the risk of serious complications. High blood sugar levels can cause headaches, difficulty concentrating, and drowsiness. If this condition persists – without treatment – it can result in atherosclerosis or a heart attack.

Regular medication dosing

This is another element of success in the fight against diabetes. Rapid changes in blood glucose levels are dangerous conditions, especially for diabetics. They can damage the blood vessels of various organs and thus disrupt their work. This is why people with diabetes are required to be disciplined in taking the right drugs at the right time. This is extremely important considering that the doses of antidiabetic drugs are adjusted individually to each patient.

Physical activity

Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to physical activity, on the contrary. Together with a proper diet, it should be a permanent element supporting the treatment of diabetes. Movement increases tissue sensitivity to insulin and lowers blood glucose levels. The form of exercises and their intensity depend on the capabilities and condition of the patient. Therefore, remember to consult your doctor beforehand about the type of training. More intense exercise may require changes in diet or medication regimen. For example, if we apply insulin to a limb, which after about 30-60 minutes will be loaded during training, the insulin will be absorbed faster and its action will be differently distributed over time. If the form of exercise is very strenuous, the dose may simply need to be reduced.

Diabetes mellitus, although a chronic disease, allows you to lead a normal life. You just need to be disciplined: stick to a diet, exercise regularly, and control your blood sugar levels.

Find out how to replace your old meter for FREE with a new one >>> CHECK

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