5 things to know about dog vaccination

5 things to know about dog vaccination

5 things to know about dog vaccination

The vaccination protocol

Le vaccination protocol and recalls are set based on the veterinarian and your dog’s lifestyle. As a general rule, we observe:

Towards the 2 month old puppy (6 to 8 weeks): 1ages injection of the CHPPi-L primary vaccination

A 3 months : 2st injection of the primary vaccination for CHPPi-L + R

A 1 year : CHPPi-LR reminder

Then every year: CHPPi-L

However, a controversy is currently raging on the annual vaccination, pointing to the lobbying of vaccine manufacturers dedicated to pets. The principles ofimmunology prove that the majority of vaccinated dogs are protected for more than a year, or even their entire life, if the protocol has been well respected … Just as for humans who are vaccinated during their childhood and are then protected for the rest of their life . This would be all the more true for viral diseases acute (distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus). At present, the question is not settled but we observe in neighboring countries, such as in Germany for example, a vaccination booster which only takes place every 3 years

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