This is the perfect time for them, any other time the result will not be so impressive.
We live in an amazing time when, for example, to watch a new episode of your favorite TV series, you don’t need to skip classes or rush home from work: you can do this not only during the hours that you chose the TV channel for showing, but at any convenient time on the Internet. But this does not mean that everything in the world is also better to do when your heart desires. There are at least 5 things that recommends to do exclusively in the morning.
1. Wash your hair
Firstly, it’s nice to start the day with clean hair, and when you dry your head with a towel, it gets a little massage, which helps both wake up and stimulate the brain. Secondly, washing your hair at night is dangerous because if you don’t dry it properly, you risk catching a cold in your sleep. In addition, moisture from a wet head gets into the pillow that is heated by our body. The opportunity for harmful microbes to multiply is excellent. And we, as a rule, wash the pillowcase once every two weeks, so there is no point in washing our hair and then sleeping on not perfectly clean linen.
Well, the last reason – it will be impossible to style your hair the next morning. So you have to spend the whole day with chaos on your head.
2. engage in charging
According to authoritative scientific research, exercising in the morning before breakfast burns those extra calories more effectively. This means that losing weight can be much more effective. A 20-minute exercise in the morning is equivalent to 40 minutes of the same exercise done in the afternoon. This is explained as follows: our body spends energy more intensively up to 17 hours, and then it goes into energy saving mode. The amount of glycogen in the blood is also important: in the morning it is minimal.
3. Drink coffee
It is best to enjoy a cup of coffee 1 to 2 hours after waking up. The fact is that it provokes an increase in the level of cortisol in the body, which is produced on its own within a couple of hours after you woke up. In addition, you should pay attention to the increase in the level of cortisol in the daytime – from 12:13 to 17:30, in the evening – from 18:30 to 19:20. During these periods, it is also recommended to give up the invigorating drink. Well, after XNUMX – XNUMX o’clock, we recommend drinking coffee only to those who are going for a long and stressful evening or stay up all night.
4. Cleaning the house
If you bring all the rooms clean and tidy in the morning, then your whole day will pass clean and tidy. And the day of your household. Although it would seem that cleaning is not an important work task, it can be postponed for the evening. But after all, you yourself will be much more comfortable doing everything planned if the process takes place in a cozy atmosphere, when you go, for example, to the kitchen to have a bite – and there is no pile of unwashed dishes in front of your eyes.
5.write important emails and make important calls
We consider the last point to be the most important for awareness in this list. Imagine that you have 5 – 15 people who need to call or write something within 7 hours. Rank them in order of importance. And write or call the first person whose answer plays a priority role for you. Do not leave this person in the evening. By writing to him already at 9-XNUMX in the morning (believe me, no one sleeps at this time, and if they do, they put their gadgets on airplane mode or turn them off), you seem to let him know that you are thinking about him, just waking up, barely getting up out of bed. And also – that you give him the whole day to think and make a decision (although, perhaps, you yourself hope for feedback already before lunch).
But the same calls and letters from the evening look as if you have been doing anything else all day, and this person was remembered only at the end. That, you see, does not dispose to a positive answer. Therefore, in this case, Tuesday morning is better than Monday evening. And in the evenings, all normal people have or should have plans – going to the theater, gatherings with their family, time allotted to themselves after a working day. Don’t keep him busy with your messages, whatever you want to ask or ask for. Leave this until the morning, when your addressee also begins the day that he is going to spend as productively as possible, including solving your question.