5 stylistic types and how they influence the choice of a partner

Harmonious relationships in a couple is a lot of work. Your daily actions build them brick by brick day by day. But is there a basis, a base that can determine how happy you will be in a couple even before you decide to marry? On this topic, we will talk with the image stylist Helen Volova.

When we talk about style, first of all we mean the appearance – how angular are the facial features? Are lips plump or thin? Is the figure curvy or not? Everything is important: the physique, the color type, and the style of clothing, but the character of a person is no less important in the style. With a stylistic type we are born and die, it remains with us throughout life.

Types and features

There are five main types in style:

1. Dramatic style;

2. Natural style;

3. Classic style;

4. Naive romantic style;

5. Sophisticated romantic style.

Let’s analyze what character traits are inherent in each type.

Dramatic – a bright, self-confident, strong-willed type of people. The general image of the drama speaks of grandeur, sexuality and luxury. The voice is confident, clear and even. With all their being, representatives of this type challenge society – they have aggression, outrageousness and passion.

“Dramatic” is an actor in life who is not afraid of the public, on the contrary, he is fueled by this energy. If you bring the image to life, then imagine a confident and ambitious woman, the editor-in-chief of a glossy magazine, for example (remember the movie The Devil Wears Prada).

Natural – both in external manifestation and in internal, the natural type is close to nature. In clothes, these are calm colors, but inside – a passion for hiking, gatherings by the fire and everything natural. With such people you feel comfortable and cozy.

“Natural” does not surround himself with fans and admirers and most often finds happiness in simple joys. Most of all appreciates convenience and freedom. Waking up in a house near the river is perhaps the best start to a vacation for a representative of natural style.

Классический – in contrast to the natural type, he is characterized by restraint and conciseness. The most comfortable environment for a classic type of life is a large city, offices and gray asphalt. The “classic” life goes according to schedule, and everything new is given quite painfully. In such a conservative approach, there is no place for disorder – everything is on the shelves and by the hour.

Representatives of the classical type are reserved and rather cold.

“Naive Romantic” – a person who enjoys every day of his life. He is fascinated by a beautiful flower and delighted with any nice gift. The flow of positive emotions and childish spontaneity – all this is about the “naive romantic”. In this style there is no place for aggression and open sexuality, instead of them – tenderness and coquetry.

“Sophisticated Romantic” – a type full of mystery and mystery. These are people with deep and adult emotions. They are also distinguished by fragility and sophistication. If the “naive romantic” is characterized by enthusiastic childlike manifestations of emotions, then the “complex romantic” leaves behind a veil of sadness.

In practice, people of the same type are rare, most often two or three stylistic trends are manifested in them to varying degrees. At the same time, the most harmonious relationships, in which there will be fewer misunderstandings and insults, most often develop among representatives of the same stylistic types.

Take off the mask

Here is an example of compatibility in a pair. A young woman, Anya, turned to me with a clear request – we need a wardrobe that will help her move up the career ladder.

But when I started to work with her clothes, we revealed her real problem – loneliness. Anya, having a type of natural style by nature, for a long time went on dates in the form of a naive romantic – puffy skirts and heels.

But the relationship did not stick with any man, because she did not carry the real herself on a date, but a mask that men should have liked. However, men, reading a different stylistic type, came across completely different. She loved not ruffles and cotton candy, figuratively speaking.

Anya was a natural type, who was close to nature, openness, hiking with tents and potatoes on the fire. We took other people’s images from her and picked up the right wardrobe in natural colors and natural, comfortable shapes. At first, she was uncomfortable appearing on dates not “in parade” in the classic sense of the phrase.

But each time it became easier to return to the real one. After several meetings with different men, she found a man with whom great love happened. A man of natural style who will gladly follow her on a hike in the mountains and leave the bustling city for the weekend.

Such a stylistic approach works not only in love relationships between a man and a woman, but also in other communications – with partners, parents, children, friends. If we surround ourselves with people with similar interests and style, our life will become much fuller, brighter and happier.

About the Developer

Helen Volova – Coach and image stylist She founded the “School of Style Helen Volovoy”, conducts courses that teach master classes. Her web-page и broker.

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