5 stereotypes in men when choosing a bouquet

On the eve of March 8, the choice of a bouquet becomes an urgent task. It is believed that you cannot give an even number of flowers, and red roses are the dream of any woman. But is this always the case and how to choose a bouquet that will definitely please your loved one?

At the end of last year, a flower boutique with the bright name Amnesia was opened on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow. On the eve of March 8, Tamara Chervichenko, the founder of the project, talks about the most common stereotypes among men when buying a bouquet.

1. Red roses

Rosa – a win-win option? Many will say that roses are an element of sophistication, respectability and beauty, a sign of good taste. As a result, men think that a bouquet of red roses will make any woman happy.

Roses, even red ones, are not for everyone. Spiky, prickly and without perceptible aroma. By the way, roses are not only scarlet, but there are a great many shades of the same red. Now the flower industry has reached the point where you can even buy blue or black roses from the variety of colors.

2. An even number of flowers and yellow bouquets cannot be given

The most mysterious and common cliche when choosing a bouquet among men is the belief in strange signs like “you can only give an odd number of flowers” ​​or “an even number is a symbol of death.” Or another popular superstition from Natalia Koroleva’s song “Yellow tulips are the heralds of separation.” It is assumed that the yellow color of the bouquet will lead to separation or betrayal.

Do not believe the signs, prejudices live only in our heads

In most countries, a bouquet with an even number of flowers means absolutely nothing, no one pays attention to the number of flowers. And the yellow color, it is bright and unusual in itself, and many ladies like it.

3. Let’s take not quality, but quantity

Another misconception among men when choosing a bouquet can be called a passion for the number of flowers. He is ready to hit on a grand scale, give his beloved 50, 101 or even several hundred flowers in one bouquet.

Think first of all about a woman and how she, fragile and tender, will need to walk home with an armful of flowers or a bouquet of roses with her height. If you want to make a really nice gesture, don’t bring huge bouquets on dates. Take care of the lady, it’s better to order home delivery by courier. The girl will definitely appreciate such magnificence and care.

4. The more expensive the better

You can often hear when a man comes to the salon to choose flowers, that the main thing for him is the price of a gift. To impress a girl, he is ready to buy the most expensive bouquet. If today is the season of expensive varieties of roses, then we take more, but if there is an opportunity to buy rare callas, we buy them, and if ranunculus, then, accordingly, the choice is obvious.

Generosity paints a man, and it’s great that you are ready to spend fabulous sums on your beloved. Oh, and one more thing: she does not need to know how much the bouquet costs. This is a sign of bad taste. The advice may seem banal, but the most correct. It is better to unobtrusively find out what flowers your woman loves and give them.

5. Packaging matters

Another cliche when choosing a bouquet, which men often follow, is that without packaging, the bouquet looks unrespectable. Therefore, already being in the salon, they ask to pack the bouquet as beautifully as possible. But even behind the most expensive packaging, the view of the bouquet itself can be lost. A wrapper can be compared to a frame that frames a picture. It can enhance the effect of the donated or, conversely, ruin everything.

When choosing a bouquet, show your imagination and think about a non-standard approach

Not always the design is as important as the flowers themselves. Do not get carried away with wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, decorative elements, a measure is needed, and flowers without packaging are now in trend.

Of course, flowers are a nice gift, but every woman has her own preferences. So, before giving a girl a bouquet, show your imagination and think about a non-standard approach. If it is difficult for you to create the desired image yourself, contact the florists, and they will definitely help you. We are sure that your beloved will appreciate your efforts.

By the way, in the profile of the Amnesia salon on Instagram @amnesia.moscow men will be able to find some original ideas with which to surprise their beloved on March 8th.

  • Salon address: Kutuzovsky pr-t, 29.
  • Phone: 8 (925) 025 5551.

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