Why do we need dreams and fantasies? Isn’t it dangerous to dive into them and isn’t it better to live a real life? How to understand how adequate and feasible they are? And most importantly, how to start moving towards it? Psychologist Olga Mazurkevich explains.
It is not harmful to dream, it is harmful not to dream. This is a beautiful, desirable invention of man, what we strive for, what we long to receive in the future. Dreaming, we develop fantasy, and beautiful dreams serve as a resource, relieve fatigue, free, unload the brain, reduce stress, give an incentive to move in a given direction.
A dream is an awareness of what and how we want. It can remain just a disembodied fantasy, if you rely only on higher powers, be passive and think about it incorrectly, or it can become a goal and eventually a reality. 5 steps:
1. Forget “NOT”. Watch the wording. “I don’t want to be alone again and be unhappy” – affirmation will not work or will attract the opposite to itself. It does not have the desired result, it is not voiced, left behind the scenes. The subconscious ignores the “not”. Try to reformulate the installation: “I am happy. Next to me is a strong, loving and beloved man, and it will always be so.
2. Let go of doubt. It may seem that this is unattainable: “I want my own house on the seashore, but this is unrealistic.” With such thoughts, the installation is formed that there will never be a house on the coast, because there will always be other needs, unforeseen expenses and expenses, the climate will not work. Leave doubts.
3. Be honest with yourself. Ask the question: “Why do I need this? What will I get when the dream comes true? If the motivation is fuzzy, it will not work.
4. Check the dream for adequacy. It must be reasonable, achievable and safe for others. Otherwise, it will turn against you. Like Omar Khayyam: “The evil radiated by you will certainly return to you.”
5. Think about the wording. Dreaming of a beautiful, slender body, you can say: “I want to lose weight and be slender.” This is vague wording. It is not clear how many kilograms you want to lose weight, for how long, in what way? You need to understand what and when you want to achieve.
What to do with a dream?
It can be transferred from the status of “desire” to “goal”. Then you need to clearly formulate it and write it down. Determine the start time and implementation timeline. Write down who and what will help to achieve it, specific actions, resources. And then start implementing it. Step by step, day by day, and you are at the goal. Help the wish come true.
Technique “My wishes come true”
It allows you to set up, program the subconscious mind to get what you want, launch a dream into the Universe and get support. Start practicing “wish fulfillment”. Every day, do everything that you usually do from the position of “I want – I get.”
Waking up in the morning, say: “I want to get out of bed,” get up and say loudly with joy: “My desires are fulfilled.” Would you like to drink a cup of hot coffee? Say out loud: “I want to have a cup of coffee,” go to the kitchen, pour yourself coffee and say out loud: “My wishes come true.” Want to treat yourself to a new dress? Say: “I want to buy a new, beautiful dress”, go to the store, buy yourself a beautiful dress and say …
Sometimes reality is burdensome, problems are crushing. A stuffy subway car, a large crowd of people, someone looms over you and breathes in your face or tramples on your favorite boots, irritation grows, and a working day lies ahead. The situation is beyond your control, but you have the right to take care of yourself. Close your eyes and mentally transfer yourself to a green oasis where a light breeze blows and the gentle sun warms you. There is a lot of childishness in daydreaming. Allow yourself to dream like a child, fly in the clouds, be free from the daily routine and just believe in miracles. As long as a person has a dream, he has a meaning in life, there is something to strive for. Dream, get what you want. Enjoy and dream again.
About the Developer
Olga Mazurkevich — art therapist, perinatal, crisis psychologist, practical psychologist. Her