How to find your love? We languish “in active search”, meet new people, go on dates… But for some reason nothing happens. Love is a serious event, and you need to be ready for it.
Finding a mate is a life of uncertainty. We do not know when and where we will meet our love and what kind of person it will be. We constantly have to deal with the unknown, to be in a situation that we cannot influence. This is a serious challenge: many people experience a lot of stress in this position. And the hidden — and serious — threat comes from our ideals.
If we dream of a noble prince who will come for us on a white horse, or a beautiful princess who will suddenly fall into our arms, we are not just disappointed. There is something worse: when we meet a really good person, we will simply not be ready and miss our chance.
Therefore, you need to prepare for a meeting with love. What does it mean?
Learn to face the unknown
It is not known how the search will end. Will there be anyone? How soon? Is the person you’re thinking of dating right for you? How long will it last? The first step in preparing for love is getting used to uncertainty. Yes, in your search, you are not guaranteed the outcome you so excitedly expect. There are no guarantees, but look at it differently: how boring it would be to live if everything in the world was predetermined and guaranteed!
Do more things that you are not sure about the consequences of. Play the lottery. Change the field of activity. Go on a trip without special plans. Or even easier – talk to someone you don’t know every day. You will begin to feel much more confident in situations of uncertainty once you have practiced enough.
Break with ideals
You probably have an idealized idea of who you are looking for. Some people paint a “collective portrait”, putting together an imaginary personality, like a construction kit, from individual traits that they like in people. And someone makes lists – “What should be the woman of my dreams”, – listing the features of appearance, character traits and dishes that she must cook.
As a result, all this only poisons our lives. You can meet a wonderful person who will not at all correspond to your ideal, but at the same time will be very attractive to you and, moreover, will love you with all his heart. Then the ideals become a serious problem. Therefore, try to get rid of them in advance, no matter how difficult it may seem. Be more open to the world: curiosity is much better than strong conviction.
Become emotionally self-sufficient
Don’t wait for someone to come into your life one day and finally make you happy. Learn to be happy yourself. Satisfy your emotional needs without waiting for someone to do it for you: rejoice without expecting someone to please you, smile without a reason to smile. Your happiness depends only on you, and every minute you can find enough reasons to enjoy life and feel happy.
Do interesting things
Explore the world around you. Read more. Do something difficult. Get involved in risky adventures. Learn new things – at least just sign up for a language course. Make something with your own hands. Write a story or blog post. And while doing so, try to do different things. Challenge yourself. Test yourself for strength. Do something that you have always been afraid of!
As a result, you will become a much more interesting person than before. But not only. This is a great way to achieve what was discussed above: to become emotionally independent and learn to deal with uncertainty. You will become more balanced, while expanding your emotional experience, learn to control yourself, feel confident in uncertain situations – and at the same time accumulate a lot of interesting stories, so you will always have something to chat about with your future lover.
Get your health and finances in order
Who would date a weakling who evokes pity? You yourself probably wouldn’t. So start exercising, pay off your debts and open a bank account.
And if you do any of the above (maybe you don’t even have to do everything), the day love knocks on your door, you will be ready.