5 sports to practice in winter

In winter, go cross-country skiing!
Practiced since Antiquity in the Scandinavian countries, the cross-country skiing is one of the flagship sports of winter. It is now very successful in Northern and Eastern Europe, Canada, Russia and Alaska. Cross-country skiing, not to be confused with downhill skiing, is practiced with suitable equipment (long and narrow skis, high boots with binding system, poles, etc.) on flat or slightly hilly snowy terrain. This sport, whose practice and benefits are similar to those of hiking, is extremely enduring because it uses all the muscles of the body: biceps, forearm muscles, pectorals, abdominals, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, adductors, calves …
There are 2 different techniques for practicing cross-country skiing: the technique ” classical “, Also called the” alternative step “technique, is more suitable for beginners because it is similar to walking. The skis are parallel and the cross-country skier progresses with the help of the poles, leaning alternately on one foot then on the other. Conversely, the technique ” skating », Or« pas de skater », which appeared for the first time in 1985, is an activity that requires power and a good balance. The cross-country skier glides for a long time on one foot then on the other and the thrusts are lateral, in the manner of ice skating or rollerblading. It is practiced on groomed slopes and is aimed more at experienced people.
The health benefits of cross-country skiing
Cross-country skiing is beneficial for health, it is also one of the best aerobic sports, ahead of running, cycling and swimming. It allows, among other things, to significantly improve the respiratory and cardiovascular functions, as well as the physical condition (gain in endurance, strengthening of the muscles and the immune system, refinement of the silhouette …) Another advantage, cross-country skiing allows to work the joints gently, it’s a little traumatic sport. According to the National Association of Mountain Doctors1, people practicing cross-country skiing represent only about 1% of injuries in snow sports, while alpine skiers represent 76% of injuries and snowboarders 20%.
On the other hand, cross-country skiing is an ally of choice for the effective fight against osteoporosis, a disease characterized by a decrease in bone density and a deterioration of the internal architecture of the bones. This activity places great strain on the bone system and therefore contributes to the consolidation and strengthening of the bones. Cross-country skiing is considered a sport in charge2 : The muscles and bones of the lower limbs are activated to fight against the force of gravity and support the weight of the body. Loaded sports are ideal for strengthening the muscles of the lower limbs and strengthening the bones of the legs and spine. It is recommended to practice weight-bearing exercises 3 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
Cross-country skiing also helps maintain a healthy weight, lose extra pounds and refine the silhouette. By combining the action of the cold with the sustained movements of the arms and legs, it is an excellent “fat-burning” sport. An hour of cross-country skiing on average costs the organization between 550 and 1 kcal! Finally, this discipline helps fight against stress and anxiety and improve general well-being. Like all sports, cross-country skiing stimulates the secretion of “pleasure” hormones such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.3, neurotransmitters made by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. By acting on the central nervous system, these hormones improve mood and make you slightly euphoric. Cross-country skiing is therefore a very good way to have fun, to regain morale and to recharge your batteries while enjoying the sumptuous snow-covered landscapes.
Good to know : cross-country skiing is a very enduring sport which requires hard efforts for several tens of minutes, or even several hours. We recommend that beginners or all those who do not regularly practice physical activity to learn basic gestures and techniques from a qualified professional and to start gently to avoid any risk of injury. |
Sources: Sources: National Association of Mountain Doctors. Available at: (accessed December 2014). Osteoporosis Canada. Exercise for healthy bones [online]. Available at: (accessed December 2014). Research Institute for Well-being, Medicine and Sport and Health (IRBMS). Calculate your calories burned while participating in physical activities [online]. Available at: (accessed December 2014).