5 simple recommendations: if a girl is offended and you don’t know what to do

Hello my dear guests! We are glad to welcome you on this site. Today I want to talk a little about the fair sex. After all, they are so fickle, changeable and changeable, like the weather in the off-season. Imagine how guys suffer from this …

I propose in this post to figure out what to do if the girl is offended? After all, this moment very often causes confusion, bewilderment and even anxiety. And this has a very negative effect on both relationships and the health of those who are in them.

Resentment: what is it?

To begin with, I propose to understand what this concept contains. Resentment is stopped anger, when for some reason a person could not show it to his “offender”, but as if “swallowed”, left it with him. It is a signal that speaks of the lack of satisfaction of needs and desires, the violation of personal boundaries and the discrediting of certain values.

Usually children react this way to the slightest prohibitions and so on, but, growing up, they can use it as manipulation. Because most often people seek to “make amends” for their misdeeds so as not to feel guilty for their deeds.

So, women often “resort” to it if they don’t know how to constructively convey to their partner that something does not suit them. Well, they don’t know how to do it for some reason. Or they don’t want to make things difficult for themselves. Especially if a representative of the opposite sex has a firm position on one or another important issue, but you really want to influence his opinion.

Most likely causes

The desire to take revenge on a man for his mistake

Very often, guys do not show enough attention to the relationship with their lovers. They make mistake after mistake, as a result of which they greatly hurt their partners.

Then a misunderstanding arises: why does she constantly prove something to me? The result of further developments is a state of helplessness in the girl. And then, tired of him, she is simply offended, and the guy realizes that he was wrong.

At least then, in order to return relations to normal again, without hushing up, reproaches and so on. Because not everyone can withstand stress for a long time. Yes, and it makes no sense.

Standing up for your point of view

If a girl cannot influence a guy with physical force, she uses psychological manipulation. This gift to the fair sex came from nature.

Resorting to this feeling, the girl peculiarly blackmails her boyfriend through the potential possibility of parting.

However, it should be noted that in this case, all the causes of resentment among girls are combined into one main goal — the desire to influence their men in such a way that they fulfill their desires. Even if they are not quite aware of their desire for power.

What to do?

And since it so happened that your beloved was offended, and you are completely at a loss and do not know what to do in this situation, I offer you 5 ways to solve it.

5 simple recommendations: if a girl is offended and you don’t know what to do

Option 1. Identify the reason

If she is silent and does not talk to you, ask what happened and ask for an explanation of what is wrong. And don’t get too upset if you don’t get a response. It’s quite normal. Most often, the feeling is so captivating that it is difficult to think rationally, and even more so to talk with the culprit of this condition.

Yes, and the idea that you yourself will guess everything makes itself felt. Still, they acted unfairly and wrongly in relation to their beloved, as if they themselves should understand their fault. Sometimes sincere bewilderment causes even more emotions, aggravating the situation. So be careful.

Be persistent. Do not be rude in any way. If the reaction does not change, give her the opportunity to be alone. But not for long. Otherwise, you will still be punished for your “callingness”.

After a while, try to reach out to her rationality. Say that you are really worried and want to correct the situation, but do not know where to start and really need her help.

Option 2: Ask for forgiveness

Approach her and ask for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart. One time is enough. But remember: you should not feel guilty, because many beautiful ladies deliberately cause it in their knights in order to manipulate. Taki achieving his own, without using force.

Option 3: Try to make amends

If no change occurs, carefully analyze the situation. What could really cause such strong emotions? And also how to fix this situation. That is, you should, as they say, «make amends.» In other words, to make sure that positive experiences overshadow negative ones.

Think what she likes? What makes you feel joy, happiness, ecstasy? Rather, turn on your fantasy, because there are a million ways to correct this situation.

Of the most banal, but effective approaches, I suggest:

  • make a surprise and invite to a romantic dinner;
  • give flowers;
  • give a gift.

Option 4. Connect a sense of humor

In the case when you think that your chosen one is manipulating and experiencing this feeling for any trifle, try to get her out of this state with a funny witty joke.

If you consider a sense of humor one of your virtues, and at the same time are able to cheer up any person in any situation, then unpleasant emotions will quickly pass.

However, be careful with the chosen jokes and do not go too far! After all, if you cross the border in such a seemingly harmless way, then you run the risk of aggravating the situation, and a scandal may follow a simple insult to your lover. In this case, the consequences can be very different.

By the way, we recommend taking a test on your sense of humor.

Option 5. The best medicines are hugs and kisses

It is possible that your loved one is just tired, out of sorts, or someone ruined her mood. It is quite normal to feel sad and even cry. This is a kind of emotional discharge that the body requires.

If with all your heart you want to help your sweetheart, you just need to hug her, kiss her and kiss her.

Just remind her how much you love and cherish her. That you are nearby, even if you are currently busy with extraneous things. You just have to ask her and you will come to the rescue. At least just listen if you feel like talking.


I would also like to note that there is a direct relationship between the duration of the offense, the quality of guilt (or misconduct) and the character of the most offended.

Remember, young people: if you have not done anything global, then after a while you will be forgiven. It is in your power to make this moment come as soon as possible — and everything will be fine again.

On such a positive note, I want to end my article today. Thank you all for your attention! Read my site, subscribe and bring friends! Here everyone will find something useful for themselves.

And if you understand that you yourself often “fall out” of relationships, being offended over trifles. Yes, and silently wait for others to correct their behavior — read the article, with recommendations on how to stop being a touchy person.

All the best!

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich

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