5 signs your life is changing for the better

Working on yourself is not easy. It’s like tearing down an old house and building a new one on its foundation. And it is not always easy to notice that the first changes have already taken place, that we are no longer the same as before. Here are some signs that the transformation process has begun.

1. You started doing stupid things

Perhaps you suddenly started talking to a colleague whom you had previously avoided – he seemed too strange to you. Or try something new that you haven’t done before. Who knows what these little things will lead to – maybe you just find a new friend or hobby, or maybe your whole life will change.

The main thing is that you began to listen to your intuition and follow your instinct. The voice of intuition has sounded in your head before, but most likely you were too busy to listen to it.

So if you now do something nice but very different from time to time, that’s a good sign – a sign that you’re finally waking up.

2. Your environment is changing

When we experience major internal transformations, our social circle also changes. Some people, even once close to us, leave our lives, and this sometimes makes us bitter and sad. But, losing them, we gain new acquaintances, friends and like-minded people.

A conscious approach to the choice of environment is one of the main gifts that you can give yourself, because when it changes, your outlook on life also changes.

3. You no longer focus on negative thoughts.

You do not ignore your negative feelings and experiences, because by delving into them, you can track the patterns and attitudes that limit you and prevent you from moving forward.

Having fallen into another mental trap, you suddenly realize that you are not reproaching yourself, but are kindly laughing at yourself, not allowing the thin voice of fear to control you. Your thoughts do not control you, you control them. Keep up the good work – and try to treat everything with humor.

4. You began to pay more attention to your feelings

The taste of grapefruit, its texture, the way the juice spreads over your tongue. A ray of sunshine on your cheek. Feelings in the body after an intense workout, a pleasant tension in the muscles. Most people simply do not notice all this, but not you. Every day you take a new step from being on autopilot to living each moment consciously.

5. You give yourself a break and don’t take everything too personally.

Of course, you are engaged in self-improvement and are trying to change yourself, your life – personal and professional, but you know how to slow down in time and enjoy the moment and the surrounding reality, without focusing solely on self-improvement.

You know how to do what most people (including, by the way, personal growth gurus) find it so difficult to simply enjoy today, delicious food, friendly communication. And it’s priceless.

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