5 signs your kids are growing up

Parents are ready to see little defenseless boys and girls in their children, even if they are already 18 years old. However, no one has canceled the concept of psychological maturity. How to understand that your children have become adults, and rejoice in this?

Parenting is a lifelong story. But children grow and change, and the goal of proper upbringing is to take these relationships to a new level in time. We offer a list of signs that indicate that you have coped with your task and can be proud of adult children.

1. They finally ask how you are.

Relationships between parents and children have long been a one-way game. We are focused on their wants and needs, and the children are just happy that they can tell us about them.

When they become interested in your hobbies, plans, and life goals, you can congratulate yourself. You are perceived as an independent person, friend and adviser, and not as the final authority in solving all problems.

2. You no longer work as a walking ATM

Gone are the days of pocket money. Children live separately, furnish their home and are able to fill the refrigerator with food without your help. And yes, you no longer put money on their cell phone.

3. They stopped blaming you for their failures.

A sign of true maturity is the understanding that only the person is responsible for their own mental, emotional and financial prosperity. Parents did everything they could, and in the best way they could in the circumstances proposed to them. Perhaps, at the same time, both sides experienced discomfort, and the children still remember with resentment how they were locked in a room to do their homework, and they are waiting for an apology from their parents. But this is wrong. Adults are in charge of their own lives.

4. They respect your lifestyle and don’t impose their world view on you.

Judgment and ridicule of the habits of “ancestors” is a teenage trait: by doing this, the teenager is trying to show that he also understands something in life. But an adult realizes that he has no right to educate his parents. Even if they watch talk shows on TV for hours or bend their backs over the beds, when all the products can be bought at the store.

5. They create their own family traditions

If earlier all the holidays were held exclusively according to your scenario and in a close family circle, now children (and grandchildren) can, for example, celebrate the New Year without you, somewhere in an exotic country. Or they can become the organizers of a family celebration by planning an event in your honor and paying the bills.

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