5 signs of female neglect

5 signs of female neglect

Take note of these important rules – and then you will look like a true lady.

Every woman, to the best of her strength and ideas about beauty, strives to look presentable. Many people spare no expense, making significant investments in their appearance. However, it is important to remember the little things that can negate any radical effort.

The first rule that every woman should remember as an axiom and strictly follow it: hair should always be clean. No matter how stylish the hairstyle and suit may be, dirty hair can cross out the most thoughtful image. Hair grown at the roots and split ends also contribute to a certain amount of slovenliness. If you want to experiment with hair color and try on a radically different image (for example, from a burning brunette to dye to a blonde or vice versa), keep in mind that you will have more worries. After all, you will have to tint the regrown roots quite often. If the ends of your hair are split, do not be lazy from time to time to cut them at least one centimeter. This will not radically affect the shape of the haircut, but the neatness of the hairstyle is ensured.

Not all women, even the youngest, can boast of perfect skin. By the way, healthy and radiant skin is a trend. Fortunately, today there are many names of medicinal cosmetics, which, when used correctly, can successfully cope with problem skin (if skin rashes are not a manifestation of some kind of internal disease).

Do not neglect home remedies for skin care: make masks, wipe your face in the morning and in the evening with ice cubes (it is better if it is a decoction of herbs), regularly use creams that match your skin type.

In addition, there are now plenty of decorative cosmetics that can mask skin imperfections. Only you need to use them competently. A face with a thick layer of foundation, and even poorly matched in color, looks sloppy and unnatural. Here one must observe the measure. The appearance is spoiled by careless and stale makeup: sprinkled mascara, floating foundation, “curled” shadows, excessively thick blush, lipstick smeared or extending beyond the lip contour. All this applied beauty must be monitored and corrected in time.

Do not forget about the eyebrows, which serve as a kind of face decoration. Fashion for eyebrows changes not much less often than fashion for dresses. But whatever form (house, sable, wide, snakes, etc.) is at the peak of popularity, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the face in shape and color. And so that the chosen shape looks natural and neat, it is better to visit a specialist once, and then support it yourself with tweezers, removing regrown hairs in time. Tousled and disheveled eyebrows make not only the face careless, but the whole image as a whole.

By the way, beauty experts say that eyebrows are the most important thing on the face. Because they define its expression. If you don’t want to look like a crying Pierrot or an insidious Mephistopheles, pay the most serious attention to the shape of your eyebrows!

Even if your makeup and hair are perfect, dark, uneven teeth will undo your efforts. A yellow-toothed smile will surely smear the impression of the most attractive appearance. You may not understand the reasons for your failure with the opposite sex or the employer’s disloyalty for a long time, since not every interlocutor dares to tell you about it. It is possible to correct these shortcomings without any problems. For example, you can whiten your teeth both at the dentist and at home using whitening pastes. But the tartar will have to be removed by a specialist. To keep the snow-white smile as long as possible, you need to properly brush your teeth (until the feeling of complete smoothness when you “test” the tongue) and once a year do their preventive cleaning.

A woman’s hands are her second “face”, so they require special attention. Loose skin of the hands and unkempt nails are a death sentence to any appearance.

In order not to fall under this “firing squad”, it is enough to make warm hand baths with different fillers at least once a week, constantly use creams (protective, moisturizing, nourishing) and be sure to wear gloves for any household chores, especially when washing dishes.

Sloppy nails with peeling varnish, burrs and regrown cuticles give a special slovenliness to the hands. It is better to have clean, well-groomed nails without varnish than a dubious decoration in the form of peeling coating.

A well-known fact: a woman’s hands give away her age more than her face. At the current level of development of cosmetology, the face can be rejuvenated with the help of all kinds of cosmetic tricks, which cannot be done with hands. And if it is difficult to resist age-related changes, then a fresh manicure and well-groomed skin of the hands is the minimum that every woman should observe.

Fresh breath and scent of purity

The scent exuded by a woman is an important component of the image, which can make her the ruler of men’s hearts. True, this only works if the aroma is pleasant. The smell exuded by a person may even be much more important than the figure and clothing by which he is greeted. After all, if the shortcomings of complexion can be draped with a skillfully selected wardrobe, then even the most stylish and expensive clothes will not help to hide a bad smell.

Of course, it’s no secret that the first remedy for smelling good is personal hygiene. This means that a clean body can smell much tastier than the most expensive and fashionable perfume.

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