5 secrets of organized people

Unfinished business, the eternal search for lost things, being late, missing deadlines… Being disorganized means always being stressed, not to mention other troubles. It is difficult to radically change your life. But if you learn at least a few simple rules that guide organized people, life will already become easier.

Perhaps the chaos on the desktop does not prevent you from creating with inspiration and testifies to your creative nature. But the chaos in the house becomes a source of stress. But to deal with it is not so difficult. It is enough to adopt the habits of those who put everything in life on the shelves.

1. They always have a to-do list.

The load of things not done during the day is so heavy that it may well deprive you of sleep at night. If you don’t make to-do lists, you’re bound to miss out on something important. So make it a habit to write down everything you need to do every day.

It is essential that your list consists of achievable tasks. Conventionally, taking out the trash is a feasible task, and landscaping a summer cottage is a long-term task.

Don’t let big challenges intimidate or unsettle you. Break them down into small, specific tasks that you can realistically solve in a day.

2. They find a place for everything

Have you again lost your smartphone somewhere (wallet, keys)? Are you constantly unable to find something? The surest way to waste time and nerves looking for your things is to leave them anywhere every time.

One of the secrets of organization is that everything in the house should have its own place. Place a “stuff” tray in the hallway and put your wallet and keys in it. Charge your gadgets when you’re not using them. You’ll be amazed at how much faster you’ll get to work in the morning if you don’t have to hunt for things.

3. They are determined

An organized person is able to make decisions quickly. Whether it’s buying furniture or planning a dinner party, he knows how to make quick choices and stick to his decision.

A perfectionist will go into a frenzy, analyzing many options for action, unable to choose the best one. An organized person will be satisfied with a “quite good” option. This skill allows him to allocate time efficiently and wisely.

4. They get rid of excess

Think about how many unnecessary things have accumulated in your home. There are probably clothes in your wardrobe that you haven’t worn in a long time. And that pile of magazines on the coffee table—do you really believe you’ll ever read them?

So grab a trash bag and throw everything you don’t use into it. If you have doubts about clothes, use this technique. Day after day, hang separately those things that you wore. It will quickly become clear what clothes you no longer need.

5. They value their time

It seems that organized people have time for everything. And not because they work harder and harder – their process is built more thoughtfully. They are aware that it is impossible to cope with all cases alone, and they know how to delegate authority to those who can be relied upon.

If you can’t handle household chores, find helpers. You will be surprised how much you will manage to do useful due to the freed time.

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