5 rules that a winner in life adheres to

Hello dear readers! A winner in life — I’m sure each of you has heard this phrase at least once, even if not addressed to you. After all, indeed, there are people who, it seems, no difficulties are an obstacle. They are lucky almost always and they don’t really attach importance to this luck, as if everything is going according to plan.

And today I want to share with you the life rules that such lucky people adhere to. After all, in fact, there is no magic, you just need to change your style of responding to various situations a little, as well as your worldview.

life scenarios

Personality psychology has at least three life scenarios.


So, let’s first define what this concept means — the winner. This is a person who achieves in life basically exactly what he wanted and planned. By those around him, he is perceived precisely as a lucky man who was “kissed” by fate.

And it seems to them so only because he simply does not make a tragedy out of losing. He does not dwell on it, does not stop himself in further attempts to get what he wants. And he tries to take out useful experience from it, which will become a solid basis for success in the future. After all, you learn from your mistakes, right?

He loves life and knows what he wants. So why not move towards a dream when it is clear what it is, what it consists of and what is needed to realize it? Especially if there is support from the outside, which we managed to organize, surrounding ourselves only with those who are able to think positively and be there no matter what, believing in success to the last.

Not a winner

These are individuals who are afraid to take risks and take steps towards the realization of their dreams. It seems to them that if nothing is done, then nothing bad will happen. Not really sticking out, you can remain invisible, which means that no one will shame or scold.

Unfortunately, most of the population falls into this category. And all because in childhood they only heard that one should be content with little, following the example of the saying about the tit and the crane.

Or the parents dismissed some desires of the child with the phrase “dreaming is not harmful”, instead of really supporting his interest and ambitions, becoming, say, an actor or musician and enrolling in the appropriate courses.

5 rules that a winner in life adheres to


Losers include people who, even with a favorable outcome, look for problems and reasons for grief and frustration. They seem to be unable to notice the good, focusing on the slightest difficulties. And if they notice, they devalue it.

Therefore, if failure followed, it will be a tragedy for life. At least, in the structure of the personality, it will be deposited in such a large “piece” that will complicate every attempt to move forward, becoming happy.

They have an attitude that life is pain in which there is no place for joy. That women’s fate is actually bitter, and men’s is a heavy burden. Phrases may vary, but I think you understand the meaning.

I want to emphasize that such scenarios are formed up to 8 years, after which they can be adjusted, but you will have to make every effort to get things off the ground.

Therefore, pass on to your children the knowledge that you will learn a little below. In order to instill in them from childhood the ability to enjoy life and gain useful experience even from failures, in order to use it in the future to meet their needs.


So, life loves winners, so check out the rules that will help you become the favorite of fate.

Set goals

And not just goals, but large, large-scale ones that not everyone will dare to achieve. Then you don’t have to think about how to motivate yourself to take action and, in general, get out of bed in the morning. After all, when your mind embraces an idea, you will strive to implement it, and not find reasons for excuses why it fails.

If for some reason you do not know what you want, I recommend that you read the article about the search for the meaning of life. By realizing what you succeed in, what you enjoy, it will be easier to form a dream.

work hard

Yes, there are people who woke up one morning rich and famous. This is what the world looks like. And few people wonder how much effort and resources were invested to get such a result?

Yes, let’s say that a random audition in a band turned life upside down, simply because you managed to be at the right time in the right place. But after all, so many events had happened up to this point that they brought the novice singer there.

Who thinks of the ridicule of those who did not share the taste for musical style? Or about how many nights this man spent trying to find that song that would help him discover his talent and show it in all its glory?

The list of questions is endless. The bottom line is that you should work hard, sometimes not even seeing the desired result for a long time, but in no case should you be lazy and not give up. Trust that your efforts will pay off. Simply, perhaps not at the click of a button, but when it really is necessary.

5 rules that a winner in life adheres to

Take charge

Only not for other people, but for your own life and everything that happens in it. Sometimes it happens that it is easier to shift the blame for unpleasant events to the weather, those around you, who either looked the wrong way, or said the wrong word. Or on an astrological forecast, an unfortunate black cat and other signs.

Winners in life know that what happens to them is the result of their actions. Something was overlooked, something was not realized, allowed or not allowed. And when they understand and accept their responsibility, then they have the right to make changes. To be exactly what they need. That’s the whole secret.

Live in the here and now

One should take experience from the past, keep valuable moments in memory, think about the future in order to anticipate some events, but live in the present.

Unfortunately, some individuals get stuck in one state, completely ignoring reality. For example, they are too worried and worried about what might happen if they decide to do something. Or they “hang” in guilt, shame for already made attempts to become happy, but ended in failure.

So learn to live in the here and now, and you will learn how to do this from this article.

Get up after every fall

If children, learning to walk, stopped trying to get up and still walk after the first fall, none of us would live to a conscious age. Is not it? So why do adults allow themselves to stop and not move again at the first failure? Considering that this, apparently, is not their sphere, talent, and so on.

You must turn into a tumbler. And how to become it, constantly resigning yourself to the slightest failure and giving up your aspirations? That’s right, no way. So take a breath, get up and move on.


Develop and improve your awareness, emotional intelligence. And the most important thing I would like to tell you is to be attentive to yourself and your needs. Because the chocolate bar that you wanted at the moment, but which you didn’t allow yourself, in a day or two may no longer be relevant.

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