5 rules for the formation of self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them

Good day, dear friends and all those who looked at my blog for a minute! In this article, I decided to continue the recently started topic and today we will talk about what is needed in order to form the skills of self-discipline and the ability to implement them. Earlier I mentioned why it is so important for me to cover this particular topic. I will briefly note that I checked for myself what it is like when you develop your self-discipline, how abruptly your life changes after that.

In a previous article titled “What is self-discipline and why is it an important component of life victories”, I talked in more detail about what this ability is and what it will give to each person, what is its value and so on. Therefore, if you want to broaden your horizons, improve your life for the better, or just engage in self-development, take a look at the previous post.

So let’s go. What self-discipline consists of and what, therefore, is worth improving:


Everyone knows that behind any action there is a certain statement, the foundation of which is a specific thought. This chain, as a result, gives rise to who the person is now, what habits he has and what kind of life he lives. Can’t believe it?

And you try to take personal responsibility for everything that happens to you every day. Of course, it is impossible to control absolutely everything, for example, it is not our fault that we are standing in a traffic jam, that the elevator is stuck, or that the boss reprimanded you for no reason, which spoiled the mood for the whole day.

Undoubtedly, these annoying external factors did not become the result of our thoughts, but this does not mean that all failures should be blamed on everyone and everything, but not on yourself.

This is the meaning of personal success:

To develop the skills of self-discipline, it is important to take control over yourself, your thoughts and consciousness.

First of all, think about visualization. Remember to visualize in detail how you become a disciplined person. Diligently cultivate personal responsibility for at least 21 days. If you have a free minute, I recommend reading the article: “How to form a habit in 21 days using the simplest methods.”

2. Concentration

5 rules for the formation of self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them

Have you ever watched your train of thought from the sidelines? To do this, you do not need to have any supernatural powers. A little practice is enough:

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to concentrate on one thing. At this moment, all Murphy’s laws are triggered and thoughts, as if by a whistle, create chaos in the head. Now you need to use your willpower: as soon as you are distracted, focus again on one thing.

This exercise helps not only develop mind control, but also personal responsibility, which I mentioned just above. This will help you look at your own life from the outside. It will show your strengths, habits that should have been abandoned long ago, toxic actions that poison your life and much more.

3.Mode of the day

5 rules for the formation of self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them

Now it’s time to rethink your daily routine. Ask yourself: “Am I really satisfied with the time I get up and go to bed, at what time my day begins?”.

It’s time to introduce good habits into your life, which is to get up and fall asleep at the same time, do exercises in the morning and other simple things.

It would seem that these are elementary things that even schoolchildren adhere to. Here, in order to pump your discipline, it is important to achieve success even in such petty things. They will become a kind of reference points that help you move to a new level, discover new sides in your personality, develop and further improve them, become the person you have long dreamed of being.

4. Emotional side

5 rules for the formation of self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them

Also, the skills of discipline will help shape emotions. Yes, yes, it is they, those that are able to be both friends and enemies of man. For success in life, you need to make friends with them, make them your allies. To do this, first of all:

You need to control your work attitude.

Everyone has their own effective methods of how this can be achieved. So, a morning run helps someone to set themselves up in the right way, which both mentally and physically prepares for a new day, achieving the planned, new discoveries and conquering new peaks. And for someone, a 10-minute morning meditation is enough for this. Everything here is purely individual. It is important to listen to your inner self and understand what in your life triggers happy emotions and a positive attitude for the whole day.

5.Goals and values

5 rules for the formation of self-discipline skills and the ability to implement them

At this point, I want to talk about how important internal obligations are. Yes, you fill out your diary every day, plan your working time every minute, but if you constantly put off vital things for later, then in the end this will not lead to any success, and there can be no talk of discipline here. What is needed to correct the situation?

It is important to learn not to back down, knowing that you have certain obligations. Be sure to finish what you started.

It’s time to calm the child inside and give the reins to an adult.


One can talk about how to become a more disciplined person for a very long time, and in any case, these conversations will benefit everyone who strives for improvement, improving the quality of life, and continuous movement forward. By the way, when you have a free minute, you can spend it usefully by reading the article on my blog “9 best ways of self-development to radically improve your life.”

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you for investing your precious time in reading this article, which, I hope, helped you answer some of your questions.

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