There are a lot of recipes for making aromatic warming mulled wine, there is a base – wine and spices, and the taste is different every time. In order to make a drink, you must follow the rules for its preparation.
1. Wine should not boil. The wine is heated to 70 degrees, otherwise the drink may not even be tried further. If by eye – you can dip your finger into the wine, it will be hot, but you will not burn yourself.
2. All spices and additives are added to the wine during cooking, not after.
3. For mulled wine, choose red wines – still, semi-sweet and semi-dry. You shouldn’t skimp on wine, the taste of the drink will depend on its quality.
4. It is undesirable to heat mulled wine twice, so calculate portions in advance.
5. When you remove the pot from the stove, let the drink brew for about 15 minutes.
By the way, mulled wine can also be non-alcoholic – just take ordinary grape juice as a basis, as less sweet as possible.
Delicious mulled wine!