5 Reasons to Start Your Morning with Matcha Botanicals

Matcha tea is becoming more and more popular, but what is its secret? We understand the beneficial properties of the match with Matcha Botanicals.

Social networks are full of beautiful pictures of matcha tea, and nutritionists talk about its benefits. Externally, the tea looks like a rich drink, and its color varies from bright herbal to emerald and is not at all like ordinary green tea. In fact, it is the healthiest tea in the world.

Matcha is a Japanese green tea ground into a fine powder on granite millstones. It has been traditionally used in Japanese ceremony for thousands of years. Now there are many suppliers on the Russian market that offer matcha, but it is not easy to find really high-quality and fresh tea. Unfortunately, after grinding into powder, tea quickly oxidizes and becomes dark green or even swampy in color, loses its nutritional properties and taste.

Matcha Botanicals tea brand is revolutionizing the matcha tea business. In Russia, only Matcha Botanicals offers tea as fresh as if you tasted it in Japan. The supply structure is built in such a way that the minimum amount of time passes from the day the match is processed on granite millstones to the moment it is handed over to the client. Weekly air shipments from Japan and special sealed containers keep the tea fresh for weeks. Matcha Botanicals produces up to 185 kg of each variety per year.

The taste of matcha depends on the amount of amino acids in its composition. The varieties that are harvested first have a deep rich aroma and sweet taste.

Careful study of the cultivation, processing and blending processes led to the establishment of his own atelier in the plantations of the Uji region in Kyoto, the original birthplace of matcha. This is a unique region in terms of its climatic and natural conditions, where specialized varieties of tea are grown.

The Matcha Botanicals team only works with a few suppliers, some of whom have been producing tea for the Japanese aristocracy and imperial family for generations.

In early spring, two weeks before harvest, tea bushes are covered from direct sunlight with rice straw. The growth of the leaves slows down, they are enriched with amino acids, which give the future tea depth and sweetness.

Tea leaves are processed in two ways:

  • The leaves are rolled and dried to form gyokuro tea.
  • The leaves are dried straight and ground to make tencha tea.

The taste of matcha depends on the amount of amino acids in its composition. The varieties that are harvested first have a deep rich aroma and sweet taste. There are several types of matcha:

  • Ceremonial matcha tea is made from the youngest and most tender leaves from the bush. It is he who is drunk at traditional tea ceremonies. It gently reveals the taste and gives all the benefits of the matcha.
  • Premium matcha is also rich in nutrients, but the leaves are harvested later, so it tastes more intense and slightly more bitter than ceremonial.
  • The leaves for the culinary match are harvested last. This variety has a pronounced taste, bitterness and is ideal for adding to pastries.

Matcha tea is an easy way to maintain health, vitality and beauty in a big city. And that’s why.

1. Useful energy

Many people cannot imagine a morning without coffee, as it is this drink that fills you with energy and sets you up for a productive day. But what happens to the body when we drink a cup of coffee? Within 30 minutes we feel a surge of vivacity and energy. Coffee dilates the arteries, stimulates blood circulation – as a result, more oxygen enters the body. At the same time, caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol and adrenaline, which is why the heart begins to beat faster, processes similar to those when we experience stress are triggered. After a couple of hours, we again want to drink coffee and “recharge”.

Unlike coffee, matcha contains not enough caffeine to stimulate cortisol production, but enough to speed up and circulate blood. In addition, matcha contains the amino acid L-theanine, which smooths out the aggressive effects of caffeine. That is why matcha charges the body with “slow, steady” energy, which lasts up to ten hours.

2. Improve mood and fight stress

In addition to smoothing the effects of caffeine, the amino acid L-Theanine promotes the production of serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is considered to be the hormone of happiness and good mood, and dopamine is produced naturally during the processes that a person enjoys. These hormones elevate mood, help you cope with stress and relax, improve memory and help you concentrate.

3. Antioxidant properties

Antioxidants are known for their anti-aging effect. They neutralize the oxidative action of free radicals and help to keep the skin supple and toned for a long time. Matcha contains 100 times more epigallocatechin than any other green tea. This antioxidant works more powerful than the well-known vitamins C and E.

4. Easy start to the day

If you use matcha every morning, it will be easier for the body to “wake up” and disperse internal processes due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals. Many also report a detoxifying effect when drinking matcha on an empty stomach.

5. Premium Quality Matcha Botanicals Environmentally Friendly

Matcha Botanicals adheres to quality standards in production, providing tea lovers with a premium product. Matcha production is as environmentally friendly as possible

Now Matcha Botanicals is actively developing and plans to expand its range with new varieties in the near future. You can taste premium matcha tea from Matcha Botanicals at the Danilovsky market in Moscow. You can also buy tea at Online.

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