5 Reasons to Read Books in the XNUMXst Century

To read or not to read books – that is the question! For some, the answer is obvious: of course, to read. How can you imagine life without fiction? Others are surprised: why? Especially today, when information comes from everywhere and there is hardly enough time even to read the Facebook feed. Perhaps our arguments will be strong enough for people from the second category.

1. A source of pleasure that is always at hand

For those who have been indifferent to literature since childhood, reading seems to be a boring activity, but for many it is a source of true pleasure. How nice it is to immerse yourself in the plot, to meet again with the characters that we left only yesterday, closing the book with regret and returning to everyday affairs. When a novel or short story is truly captivating, the reader has only one desire – to continue reading without distraction.

Most of those who say they don’t like to read have not really tried this activity. A compulsory school curriculum in literature is one thing, but a self-selected book is quite another. The main thing is to find your genre, theme and authors.

2. Ability to relax

Reading with pleasure, we relax, forget about reality with its unresolved problems, stress, everyday worries. The book takes us to another reality and allows us not to think about unloved work or conflicts with others for at least some time. No one says that you need to constantly run away from problems to a fictional world, but periodically looking there to gain strength is a completely healthy tactic.

3. A way to get smarter

It is known that by regularly reading books in our native language, we learn a lot of new things, replenish our vocabulary, become more literate, and have a better command of oral and written speech. What can we say about reading in a foreign language! There is also an indirect benefit here: books help us feel more confident, we know that it will not be difficult for us to write a text correctly or prepare a speech.

4. The key to the development of imagination

Reading puts the imagination to work: we imagine landscapes, we imagine the main characters, we draw detailed pictures of what is happening in our minds. This is a much more active activity than watching movies. Reading fantasy works well trains the imagination. The consequence of a developed imagination is the desire to express oneself, and if you want to create, inspiration will not keep you waiting.

5. Concentration training

To follow the vicissitudes of the plot, we are forced to constantly concentrate and remember what happened to the characters, what they talked about and thought about in previous chapters. This is great for improving memory.

Of course, all these are just the main reasons for reading, and those who read a lot and with pleasure will name dozens of their own. So if you’ve been used to thinking books are boring since childhood, try giving them another chance. After all, what do you have to lose? And you can buy a lot.

Источник: Les Lectures de Melanie.

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