5 questions you need to know about influenza vaccination

Which serum to choose and how do they differ?

The seasonal vaccination campaign continues. Olga Kovtun, doctor of the outpatient department of the Vnukovsky branch of the GBUZ GKB No. 17 DZM, answered the questions that worried the readers of Antenna.

Doctor of the polyclinic department of the branch “Vnukovsky” GBUZ “GKB No. 17 DZM”

What vaccination is best for a small child? (Julia, Moscow)

– There are several types of pathogen sera. Medical institutions receive vaccines from Russian and foreign manufacturers. Drugs are inactivated, attenuated, subunit. The first two are shown to adults and children of different ages. The latter is administered for prophylactic purposes to elderly citizens and children under 2 years of age with chronic diseases, because attenuated or inactivated sera sometimes cause side reactions. 

What is a non-living vaccine? They say it works mildly, without side effects. Is it true? (Irina, Omsk)

– Regardless of whether the vaccine is trivalent or tetravalent, it may contain inactivated cells of the influenza strain. The prefix “in” at the beginning of the word indicates that the preparation contains inactive (non-living) components that have retained properties for the development of reactions of the body’s defense systems. This means that the composition includes killed viruses that have been exposed to high temperatures or have been poisoned with formaldehyde. Medicines containing inanimate pathogen particles have several advantages over other antiviral agents. They are able to awaken the immune system without causing side effects in the body. Their action is aimed at creating cellular and hormonal immunity.

Why can the temperature rise after vaccination? (Alexander, Protvino)

– Means for fighting strains of influenza can be created on live, but immobilized pathogens. Such vaccines are also called attenuated vaccines. Serums with a similar material awaken and activate 4 degrees of the body’s defense reactions:

  • immunoglobulin;

  • cellular;

  • local;

  • systemic.

Despite its positive qualities, a drug containing a live pathogen can cause side effects in patients. Among them is the temperature.

In mobile centers, where free vaccinations are given, they offer a domestic drug. How effective is it? Should you buy a paid vaccine? (Elena, Tver)

– The production of anti-influenza sera in Russia is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO, its specialists regularly issue lists of predicting pathogen strains. If we compare foreign and domestic vaccines, then the former are paid, and the latter are available on a scheduled free basis. When thinking about which serum to choose, it is best to consult a doctor. The main thing is not to delay vaccination, it must be done before the epidemic begins.

I was vaccinated last year, but I still got the flu. It turns out that vaccination does not protect 100% from the virus? (Nikolay, Khimki)

– After being vaccinated, a person can become infected, but the disease is usually mild. Influenza is a dangerous complication; in patients who have undergone vaccination, they almost never occur. But even after being vaccinated, one must remember about the prevention of infectious diseases. During epidemics, one cannot stay for a long time in crowded places; it is important to wear gauze masks. To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle and not to abuse flour and sweets. Exercise can help reduce your risk of getting sick.

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