5 principles of hand skin care

We sadly pay little attention to the skin of our hands. But she needs care no less than the thin and sensitive skin of the face.

An invaluable thing is a good hand cream. But often we remember him only with the onset of cold weather. This is unfair: hands, our faithful helpers, deserve much more care. By nature, the skin of women’s hands is very thin. It is almost devoid of hair, and therefore, the sebaceous glands, which are inextricably linked with the hair follicles and are responsible for the production of nutrients. The number of aggressive factors acting on our hands is enormous: frost, wind, sun, detergents, dust, water, gravity … Their consequences are fine wrinkles, swollen veins, rough, thin skin. How can you help your hands?

1. Cleanse

Liquid soap contains more moisturizing ingredients and gently cleanses the skin of the hands than bar soap. Shampoo for dry hair can also be adapted for this purpose: it contains the most nutrients. Veronica Pak, a nail technician with 20 years of experience, advises finishing each hand wash with cool water. “Such vascular training will help maintain skin elasticity, improve blood circulation and make veins less visible,” agrees Andrey Trubachev, a dermatologist. – But this does not mean that the brushes must first be steamed and then frozen. The difference in water temperature should be 10-15 degrees.” A separate place in cleansing the skin of the hands belongs to peelings: they should be used twice a week to smooth, soften and brighten the skin. If there is no special product at hand (hand peels are distinguished by a small size of granules and a high concentration of nutritional and wound-healing components), you can use a body scrub by mixing it with moisturizing milk.

2. Moisturize

The skin on the back of the hand contains five times less moisture than other parts of our body. But this reserve is depleted due to frequent contact with water, temperature changes and household chemicals. Therefore, it is good to make it a rule to take care of your hands whenever possible. “How many products do you need to optimally care for this area? Consider: one tube is in my bathroom. The second is in the kitchen. Third in the bedroom. The fourth is in the bag. The fifth one is in the office desk drawer,” lists the creator of one of the best hand care brands, Christina Fitzgerald. But this does not mean that we are obliged to spend astronomical amounts on creams. The skin of the hands gratefully absorbs any active substances. For example, if a face cream that you accidentally bought did not fit, you can give it to your hands. They are less sensitive, and since the mechanisms of aging are the same in all areas of our skin, the components of the product will not be left without work.

3. Brighten

The main signal of the quantity – and quality – of the years we live is pigmentation. Even a small dark spot visually ages the sleekest hands. A stereotype that came from the East is triggered, where an even skin tone, and not its tone or softness, has always been considered an indicator of age. In Asia, few people can touch women’s hands, men have to evaluate them only visually. If we don’t like spots either, today there are a lot of products that can quickly eliminate pigmentation, starting with brightening serums, deep peels in salons, and ending with photo and laser procedures (they remove 70% of spots per session). By the way, creams with sunscreens will help to avoid such problems. And to camouflage – flesh-color correctors.

4. Adjust

Plastic surgery to lengthen the fingers or correct the shape of the hands does not yet exist. Surgeons offer a skin tightening – however, after it, small seams will remain on the wrists. But the brushes will regain their youthful appearance. Another aesthetic problem is protruding veins with age. The reason is a sharp weight loss, age-related thinning of the skin, hereditary large vessels, a strong load on the hands … Here, professionals recommend subcutaneous administration of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. It tightens and evens out the skin, making veins less visible. Plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences David Grishkyan considers lipofilling to be the best anti-aging technique, in other words, injections of one’s own adipose tissue (it is taken from the area above the knees). This not only makes the hands beautiful in appearance, but also launches rejuvenating processes in them.

5. Strengthen

It would seem that with the advent of extension gels, the problem of brittle nails should no longer bother anyone. But not everyone likes gel manicures … men who consider such nails to be too thick and unfeminine. Many admit that they are prettier than an interlocutor with short, but their own nails. Someone is afraid of too long, aggressive nails, reminiscent of witch claws from children’s fairy tales. But the “bald” fingertips do not cause delight. If the nails are short, it is better that the manicure is noticeable, otherwise the hand looks masculine. If we don’t like it, we should remember it. And don’t discount firming bases, cuticle oils and creams.

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