5 popular fitness exercises that are dangerous to your health

1. We swing the press, lying on your back with outstretched legs

The most famous exercise since school years. Straight legs in this exercise are held by a partner or fixed under a bench (at home under a sofa). Bending towards the legs occurs sharply and with effort. At the moment of lifting the trunk, there is a strong stretching of the muscles of the lower back. The press will not immediately turn on, but you will feel the muscles of the thighs and iliopsoas. If you are persistent and diligent, then very soon your back in the lumbar region will hurt.

Safe option: change the starting position: bend your knees and do not fix your feet. Exhale deeply at the highest point of tension when bending your torso and strive to keep your lower back on the floor, rounding your back.

2. Vacuum 

Progressive exercise promotes the function of internal organs through self-massage, but is not suitable for everyone. It is believed that it is a real panacea for diastasis of the abdominal muscles. It is not true. On the contrary, there is an overstretching of the white line of the abdomen. As a rule, after a vacuum, diastasis only increases. But there is another danger. Due to the vacuum, the white line of the abdomen becomes thinner, tears and hernias can form in it. And in this case, surgical intervention is indicated.

Safe option: do it if you are convinced that you have no contraindications: diastasis; neoplasms in the uterus, female genital organs; hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm; gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis; pancreatitis, a disease of the biliary tract; heart failure and uncompensated heart disease, coronary artery disease; thrombosis; exacerbation of chronic diseases of the abdominal and pelvic region.

Exercise is prohibited for 6 months after any surgery in the peritoneum and pelvic region and during pregnancy.

It is also undesirable to perform a vacuum during menstruation.

Ideally, this exercise is performed on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach. It should take at least three hours after eating.

3. Twisting off the floor with raised legs

In untrained people, more than half of the stress is concentrated in the lower back instead of exercising the abs. After a few repetitions, only the lower back is felt. Some people manage to perform crunches from the floor with their “back” so that the abdominal press is used only by 10%. The most annoying thing is that sometimes the press turns on at all, and the muscles of the lower back are trained. It is better not to do twisting from the floor at all if you cannot control the exercise on your own.

Safe option: Only do floor crunches with raised legs if you founders trained the internal abdominal muscles (transverse and internal obliques). If with the help of other, safer exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle, you have already built a strong muscle corset.

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