Each couple has a period when lovers learn some important nuances about each other: goals, fears, communication style. The most difficult thing is to get used to the manner of communication of another person, but, having coped with this task, you can achieve significant success in developing relationships. Here are some encouraging phrases that you can use regularly to strengthen your romantic connection.
Whether you and your partner are currently happy or experiencing difficulties, learning how to express your emotions correctly will help both of you feel mutual love and respect.
Communication is not easy for everyone: sometimes we would be happy, say, to express gratitude, but we cannot find the right words. Luckily, relationship expert April Masini and family therapist Rachel Thomasian have looked into this issue and found phrases that help strengthen couples’ intimacy by showing their partner love, appreciation, and respect.
“You’re doing so well!”
“In a romantic relationship, the main thing is how the partner feels when he is around you,” says April Masini. She claims that the phrase helps build trust, which in turn makes the bond stronger. “Try to say it more often, and you will see how it “sticks together your relationship,” the expert suggests. “Let your partner know how good he is, and this will increase his self-esteem.”
“We all know how important it is to say, “I love you.” But when you can explain why you value your partner, words become more powerful,” adds Rachel Thomasian. – It is especially important to say these words when the partner doubts himself. This will help him understand that you are not just blindly in love with him, but you notice all that he brings to the relationship.
“I’m happy to be with you”
“Day-to-day chores, petty conflicts over whose turn it is to take out the trash, stress from traffic jams, bad meetings, arguments with family members overshadow relationships,” explains Masini. When you take your mind off the annoying things to remind your partner (and yourself) how lucky you are to have met them, you put the relationship first again. It helps to overcome difficulties. Remind your loved one how grateful you are to fate for bringing you together.
“I’m proud of what we’ve created”
According to Rachel Thomasian, letting your partner know that you appreciate what you have created as a team, you support his faith in your relationship. “It reinforces the feeling that you are together for a long time,” says the family therapist. – It is important to remember again and again how much you managed to do together. It is equally important to see what important and wonderful things await you in the future. It helps create a sense of unity and stability.”
“I feel safe with you.”
Telling your loved one how you feel good and calm next to him, you confirm his role in the relationship, thereby strengthening trust. “The best relationships give us comfort and a sense of security,” comments Rachel Thomasian. There is no greater gift than knowing that you can come home after a hard day and find solace in the arms of a loved one. By reminding your partner of this, you make them feel special and make a conscious effort to provide you with that sense of security.”
“I respect you and cherish you”
“Respect and appreciation are at the heart of love. It’s great when there is a person nearby who notices and praises us for all the good things we do, explains Masini. – When partners remember how much they did to improve each other’s life, it is easier for them to survive relationship crises. When people know that they are valued, any differences can be overcome.
The expert adds that one way to show respect for a partner is to regularly praise him for how great he is doing a job. “For most, it’s important to know that we’re good at what we do every day,” says Masini. “It not only increases self-esteem, but also helps in the development of relationships. Of course, we want our loved one to know how attractive they are, which is why we often compliment their appearance. Professional skills go unnoticed, and this should not be so.