5 non-obvious cleaning life hacks that will help you quickly put things in order

5 non-obvious cleaning life hacks that will help you quickly put things in order

The endless pace of life in a big city is forcing more and more people to find new ways to cope with everyday and familiar things faster.

Modern women are not only immersed in their work and family life, but also find resources for self-development and hobbies that help not to get bogged down in routine. However, they cannot forget about household chores, and it is the house that takes a huge amount of time and effort. And they could be spent on yourself, instead of cleaning the kitchen to a shine.

Together with the Qweep cleaning service and its operational director Olga Fedotova, we have prepared 5 useful life hacks that will help housewives quickly put things in order in the house without wasting precious time.

Use professional cleaning chemicals

It often seems to people that there is no need to use professional chemicals to clean their own home. Therefore, they buy those products that are easy to get at the nearest supermarket. Unfortunately, such household chemicals do not always effectively deal with dirt, and you have to spend much more time, effort, and sometimes financial resources in order to achieve the desired result.

If a person initially makes his choice in the direction of professional chemistry, this helps not only to reduce the cleaning time, but also does not harm the cleaning surface. Moreover, for various types of work, certain chemicals are used, which are also much more economical to use. It is better to spend time searching for professional chemistry once and then get a quick and high-quality result.

Do not start up and keep the apartment clean at all times

Advice that can be applied in any area of ​​life. If you do all the small things on time, then it turns out that there is not much to do. This also applies to cleaning: immediately remove dirt after cooking, wash the dishes after yourself immediately, remove things, and not leave them lying on a chair or armchair, wipe the dust if it has already accumulated on the surface. Such actions will not take much time, but at the time of the general cleaning you will notice that it took much less time than expected.

Use antistatic agents against dust and furniture polishes

But not many people know about this. Antistatic agents and polishes allow for a longer period of time to keep surfaces free of dust. Polishes are great helpers for wet cleaning. Special components cover the furniture with a protective layer, thanks to which dust does not settle on the surface for 2-3 days. Antistatic agents are suitable for removing dirt from household and electronic equipment: they should be used to wipe TVs, computers, laptops. The composition contains components that perfectly repel dust from static surfaces. They will be especially effective in combination with special napkins.

Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner or damp furniture wipes

Most people during cleaning forget that it is necessary to vacuum not only the floor, but also to pass it over furniture, on which dust can accumulate. Most often this applies to backs, armrests of sofas and armchairs. It is better to combine the vacuum cleaner and then walk with wet wipes to eliminate dust as much as possible, which is not only harmful to health, but also does not look unaesthetic. This does not need to be repeated every day, once a week will be enough, and the action itself will not take much time.

Always have sufficient cleaning equipment available

Many people forget that it is necessary to have more than one rag or sponge at home. It seems that it will be much faster to go over all surfaces with one rag, rinsing it after each particularly dusty place, but in fact this is not entirely true. Now on the market there are a large number of rags made of various materials, and this is not just a marketing ploy, each of them serves to clean its surface. For example, materials made of viscose and microfiber are more suitable for the floor, for the kitchen cloths made of cellulose or bamboo are chosen, and napkins with good moisture absorption are chosen to wash off the primary and main dirt from windows. Latex copes well with old and stubborn dirt, but does not wash off prints from the surface. For those who are allergic to synthetics, it is better to choose cotton, which is environmentally friendly and does not damage the surface.

After each use, you need to wash your inventory. Thoroughly rinse and squeeze the sponges, wash the rags with the addition of detergents and at a high temperature. It is also important to remember that rags and sponges are short-lived things, they must be changed after four to five uses.

Use even one of these life hacks, and the cleaning process will not drag on for long hours, and you will be less likely to arrange a general cleaning. And the most important thing is to treat cleaning not as hard work that will take all your strength, but as time that you can spend listening to an audiobook that has long been put into a distant box, a podcast or just new music.

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