5 natural ways to strengthen your immunity
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Proper immunity is important for our body on a daily basis. However, it is worth looking at it especially in such periods as the autumn solstice or the state of epidemiological threat. How to take care of immunity in a simple way?

Reduced immunity – causes

Immunity can, unfortunately, be weakened by many factors. Such a problem is faced by, among others people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma or inhalation allergy. The environment in which we live every day is also important. Chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract and a general decrease in immunity are favored by, among others:

presence of car exhaust,

Presence of smog, polluted air,

Too dry air (e.g. prolonged stay in heated or air-conditioned rooms),

· Staying in conditions that cause overheating or freezing.

In addition to external factors, our lifestyle and psychophysical condition also have a significant impact on immunity.

Does lifestyle affect our body’s immunity?

Absolutely – an unhealthy lifestyle entails, among others neglecting the condition of the immune system. For example, the reduction of immunity is influenced by:

· Lack of sleep – an exhausted body is much more susceptible to infections than a rested one;

Unhealthy diet,

Chronic stress,

Depressive states,

· The use of stimulants – you should know that alcohol, which penetrates both the bloodstream and the lymphatic system very quickly, kills the immune cells in them; tobacco smoke, in turn, contains more than 4 different toxic substances which, by penetrating the mucous membranes, destroy the first line of defense against pathogenic microorganisms that try to enter the body in this way;

· Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals – especially those responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system, i.e. vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as zinc and iron;

Frequent antibiotic therapies,

· Lack of exercise, sedentary work.

Reduced immunity – symptoms

Reduced immunity does not necessarily mean disease, although it naturally makes the body more susceptible to microbial attack. However, the weakening of immunity makes itself felt even before it becomes seriously ill. The body sends signals that should not be ignored. Symptoms of reduced immunity include:

Chronic fatigue,

New allergies that have not occurred so far,

Skin lesions – rashes similar to allergic ones, skin infections, more difficult and slower healing of wounds (the immune system stimulates the appropriate cells to act in order to close the wound as soon as possible – after all, this is a simple way for microorganisms to enter the body),

Frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract (colds),

The appearance of aphthas and other changes in the oral cavity – aphthas on the gums or tongue are some of the symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiency; as a result of decreased immunity in the oral cavity, thrush caused by fungi of the family may also appear Candida.

It is worth emphasizing that it is completely normal for adults to catch colds 2–4 times a year (especially in the autumn and winter period), and even up to 3 times more often for children. This does not mean that the immunity is weak (which does not mean, of course, that it is not worth strengthening it).

How to strengthen the immune system? Natural ways

As long as the decreased immunity is not the result of disease (e.g. metabolic disease, autoimmune disease, infection with certain viruses such as HIV or measles virus) or immunosuppressive treatment, it is quite easy to regain his full strength. For example, by using natural methods of increasing the body’s immunity. What can be included in them?

Herbs and algae

The natural first aid kit contains a lot of plants with properties that stimulate the immune system. One of the best-known immunostimulating plants is Echinacea, which stimulates macrophages to respond to an immune response, prevents bacteria from penetrating deep into the skin and destroys free radicals.

Elderberry (both fruit and flower extract) is known for its immunity-boosting properties and helps to prevent infection. It contains large amounts of vitamins C and A, minerals and antioxidants. A treasury of vitamins, especially C, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients, are also rosehips, chokeberry, acerola, rowan fruit. It is also worth reaching for the ginseng root, which not only adds energy – the ginsenosides contained in it stimulate lymphocytes to fight harmful microorganisms.

Garlic is a “natural antibiotic” that has been known for centuries. It contains not only a set of vitamins and minerals, but most of all allicin with bactericidal and fungicidal properties. The same substance is found in onions. Other antibacterial substances include oregano (carvacrol) and thyme (thymol and other essential oils).

Immunity is also greatly enhanced by sea algae, which have been present in the diet of the Far East for many centuries. In recent years, we have also hailed them as “superfood”, i.e. food with special health-promoting properties. Algae include several groups of seaweed, such as:


Brown algae,

· targetice.

Cyanobacteria are also traditionally included in the group of algae, although recent studies prove that they belong to bacteria – albeit self-nourishing. Certain cyanobacteria are of particular interest for their health-promoting properties. It is, for example, spirulina, which is a source of perfectly digestible protein and the entire complex of vitamins and magnesium. Thanks to them, it shows detoxifying properties and stimulates the immune system.

The group of green algae includes chlorella, which is rich in vitamins B, A and C, as well as folic acid and amino acids. This alga also has detoxifying and anti-cancer properties. It can be helpful in the prevention of certain types of cancer, and it also improves the overall effectiveness of the immune system.

In addition to the health-promoting properties of the ingredients they contain sea ​​algae they also support the body’s absorption of nutrients from other sources, including food and supplements.

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits should form the basis of a healthy diet – healthy, that is, one that provides the body with all the ingredients necessary for its proper functioning. It is worth adding that vitamins and minerals supplied with food, in a natural form, are often best absorbed by the human body. The exception are those ingredients that are not supplied to a greater extent with food, e.g. vitamin D.

Fruits and vegetables are the most important sources of vitamin C, which reduces the permeability of capillaries and strengthens their walls. Thanks to this, it strengthens the mucous membranes, which are the first line of defense against the penetration of germs into the body. Foods rich in vitamin C include:

Rosehips – 2000-2500 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of product,

· acerola – 1677 mg/100 g,

Black currant – 182,2 mg / 100 g

Parsley – 178 mg / 100 g,

Red pepper – 144 mg / 100 g,

Brussels sprouts – 94 mg / 100 g,

Broccoli – 83 mg / 100 g,

Strawberries – 66 mg / 100 g.

Vitamins A, D and E are also extremely important, as they stimulate the production of mucus that protects the epithelium of the respiratory tract. The sources of vitamin A include, among others carrots (the richest source), parsley, kale, spinach, chives, sorrel, broccoli, red pepper, tomatoes, apricots. Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E, but among vegetables and fruits, we can find it in paprika or parsley.

Moreover, one should not forget about a special category of vegetables, which are silage. Cabbage, cucumber and other products as a result of pickling produce, among others lactic acid. This, in turn, is an excellent medium for the development of a beneficial intestinal bacterial flora and limits the growth of putrefying bacteria. The balance of the intestinal flora is very important for the proper functioning of the immune system. In addition, probiotic bacteria themselves also produce vitamin C during fermentation.

The fruit of graviola possesses immunity-enhancing properties. The plant is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium and iron, which help to strengthen the immune system.

Hardening the body

One of the reasons for the weakening of the organism is the frequent change of temperature, getting cold, a sudden transition from a high temperature to a cooler place. Hardening the body improves our thermoregulation mechanism – in this way we get the body used gradually, safely, to lower temperatures. If it starts already in summer, the body will be easier to defend itself against infections in the fall and winter. How can the body be hardened?

Alternating cold and warm showers – remember to finish the bath with a stream of cool water, and after leaving the shower, warm up the body, e.g. by rubbing a towel or performing a few physical exercises, such as bends and squats;

· Sauna is a very effective method – saunas always consist of a two-part heating and cooling cycle: first, the body has to sweat out harmful waste products and toxins, then it cools down in the fresh air, and then through a cold shower.

Taking care of air quality

Contaminated air irritates the respiratory tract, lowers the body’s defenses against diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, contributes to the development of allergies and asthma, as well as other diseases, including the circulatory system. Therefore, taking care of the air condition is also an activity that helps to build strong immunity. Of course, everything is within the limits – it is worth considering the purchase of an air purifier, plants that naturally purify the air (e.g. fern, perennial, dracaena, golden epipremnum, sansevian, areca, chrysanthemum, asparagus, trefoil, low date palm).

Relaxation exercises, meditation

A well-rested body is an immune organism – after all, the main reasons for the decline in immunity are sleep deficiencies and long-term stress. It is worth introducing into the daily routine not only physical exercises (supporting and immunity, and the general condition of the body), but also relaxation exercises that will help you fall asleep and thus reduce the level of stress. Stress has a direct impact on the depletion of immune cells; Immunity is mainly impaired by cortisol, which – unlike other stress hormones like adrenaline – can be produced continuously for a long time.

Strengthening immunity – how much time does it take to improve it?

Immunity should be taken care of regularly and throughout the year. Unfortunately, it is a myth that it can be effectively improved in a few weeks. Especially when we start to act only in the season of increased illnesses, when the immune system is already overloaded and fights against microbes attacking it. That is why it is worth starting activities strengthening immunity as soon as possible [1].

Changing the diet to a healthier one, including a daily dose of physical and relaxation exercises, and giving up stimulants will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body – condition, circulatory system, motor system and well-being!


1. The causes of decreased immunity, https://pielegniarki.com.pl/article/przyczyny-obnizonej-odpornosci, accessed on 19.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX.

2. The causes of decreased immunity, https://pielegniarki.com.pl/article/przyczyny-obnizonej-odpornosci, accessed on 19.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX; Mastalerz L., Duraj I., What does immunity depend on?, Practical Medicine,

3. Jakimik P., Reduced immunity in children and adults – causes and symptoms, https://www.nowafarmacja.pl/blog/obnizona-odpornosc-u-dzieci-i-doroslych-przyczyny-i-objawy, accessed on 19.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX.

4. Kostyńska M., Symptoms of reduced immunity – this is how the body warns you, https: //www.medTvoiLokony/koronawirus/to-musisz-wiedziec,objawy-obnizonej-odpornosci—tak-ostrzega-cie-organizm,artykul,67714811.html, accessed on 19.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX

5. Jakimik P., Reduced immunity in children and adults – causes and symptoms, https://www.nowafarmacja.pl/blog/obnizona-odpornosc-u-dzieci-i-doroslych-przyczyny-i-objawy, accessed on 19.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX.

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7. Sea algae, https: //www.medTvoiLokony/zdrowie,algi-morskie—dzialanie—sklad—application,artykul,1727829.html, accessed on 20.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX.

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10. Mastalerz L., Duraj I., What does immunity depend on?, Medycyna Praktyczna, https://www.mp.pl/pacjent/dieta/wywiady/90034,od-czego-zalezy-odpornosc, accessed on 19.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX.

11 Top 5 Myths About Building Resilience, https://zdrowie.wprost.pl/medycyna/choroby/10270406/5-najwiekszym-mitow-o-budowania-odpornosci-tez-popelniasz-te-bledy.html, accessed on 20.09.20/XNUMX/XNUMX.


[1] 5 biggest myths about building immunity https://zdrowie.wprost.pl/medycyna/choroby/10270406/5-najwiekszym-mitow-o-budowania-odpornosci-tez-popelniasz-te-bledy.html, accessed on 20.09.20/XNUMX. twenty.

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