5 natural remedies for bronchitis

Cape geranium
Native to South Africa, Cape Geranium is a plant widely used to fight against diseases of the respiratory system. In 2008, the results of a clinical study with 217 participants showed that a liquid extract of Cape Geranium (EPs 7630) was more effective in treating bronchitis than a placebo.1. Patients treated with EPs 7630 experienced marked improvement in the main symptoms of acute bronchitis: cough, sputum, hoarseness, headache, fatigue and fever, within 7 days of treatment.
- An adult should take 30 drops of the EPs 7630 standardized extract, 3 times a day. The dose should be lowered if given to a child. In this case, follow the manufacturer’s information.
Matthys H, Funk P. EPs 7630 improves acute bronchitic symptoms and shortens time to remission. Results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial. 2008. Epub 2008 Apr 30.