5 myths about homeopathy

For more than 200 years, controversy has not subsided around homeopathy. Someone sees it as a panacea, someone perceives it with caution or even categorically denies it. Ivan Enev, a Bulgarian homeopath, one of the founders of the European School of Clinical Homeopathy, will help us to sort out some prejudices and separate the wheat from the chaff. We asked him to comment on the most common myths about homeopathy.

Myth 1. The effectiveness of homeopathy has not been scientifically proven.

Many believe that the substances in the preparations are present in such a low concentration that they cannot have a therapeutic effect, and the positive results are explained by the placebo effect. However, there are many studies – both experimental and clinical, in humans, in animals, in cell cultures, in stem cells – that confirm that homeopathy works.

You can verify this by typing “homeopathy” on the Pub.Med website, created by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information. Much research can be found on the website of the reputable Cochrane Library and other scientific resources on the Web.

As for the placebo effect, in some cases it is observed in homeopathy – just like in conventional (traditional) medicine. It is well known that sometimes the patient becomes better not even from the medicine, but only from a conversation with the doctor. However, after all, no one says that the effect of traditional medicine is exhausted by this?

Let’s take this example. Now veterinary homeopathy is actively developing. For example, there are good results in the homeopathic treatment of kidney failure in cats and dogs. In animals, you can never suspect the placebo effect.

Myth 2. Homeopathy is incompatible with traditional medicine

Part of the explanation for this myth must be sought in the history of homeopathy. What methods were used by traditional medicine in the XNUMXth century, when homeopathy was born? Everyone has probably heard of bloodletting. And how, for example, “treated” for worms? They arranged for the patient, including the child, severe vomiting and diarrhea. To the father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, such methods of treatment rightly seemed inhumane. And he opposed them with homeopathic methods.

In homeopathy, the changes that occur in the human body are more important than in his psyche.

Now this confrontation, of course, does not exist. Homeopathy and conventional medicine have long converged. For diagnostics, we use the full range of traditional medicine: tests, MRI, tomography, and more. Some diseases can and should be treated only with traditional medicines. Homeopaths, for example, do not treat cancer, type 1 diabetes, or severe cardiovascular disease.

And there are diseases that are preferable to treat with homeopathic remedies. This, for example, all childhood infections, including chickenpox, aphthosis, painful teething. Adult diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, gout, chondrocalcinosis, irritable bowel syndrome, recurrent urinary tract infections.

Myth 3. The homeopath has a long conversation with the patient and makes his psychological portrait.

At the first, and sometimes even at the second meeting, we really have a long conversation with the patient – sometimes an hour or an hour and a half. It is important for us to find out not only what problems the patient has now, but also what they were before.

Usually there are patterns in the development of the disease: if in childhood he had diseases of the ear-nose-throat – the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and skin, then at 25-30 years old problems begin with the mucous membrane of the digestive system, and later with the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, joints. It is important to understand whether the disease developed according to this pattern or not, what factors contributed to the deterioration of health. That’s why a homeopath needs a long conversation.

During treatment, the symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their appearance.

But I want to emphasize that homeopathy is not a psychosomatic, but a somatopsychological method of treatment. Here, the changes that occur in the human body are more important, and not in his psyche. True, in homeopathy there is such a direction, a kind of sect, the so-called “classical homeopathy”, which focuses on mental processes. But I am skeptical about it. Yes, the mental state of a person can affect the body, for example, the immune system, the endocrine system. But the reverse effect is also undoubted.

Myth 4. Homeopathy works slowly and for a long time.

This is true when it comes to chronic diseases. Hahnemann said: the duty of the doctor is to restore the level of human health. We should kind of take a trip in a time machine and bring him back to a state where he was in better health. But if the disease has been developing for 20 years, then it is impossible to quickly go back.

We believe that it takes as many months as a person has been sick for years. Konstantin Hering, an American homeopath of German origin, discovered this law: during treatment, symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their appearance – first the newest symptoms that the patient complained about recently, and then more and more earlier ones. It really is like traveling in a time machine.

However, in acute cases (chickenpox, SARS, runny nose, diarrhea, etc.), homeopathic medicines can bring relief very quickly, in just an hour or two.

Myth 5. With homeopathic treatment, an exacerbation occurs first.

This sometimes happens when a doctor prescribes a high dilution drug. Such drugs act very aggressively and can provoke a drug crisis. Therefore, in many countries, in particular, in Bulgaria, homeopaths have refused to prescribe these remedies. We prefer to treat slowly, but do without exacerbations.

About expert

Ivan Enev Former pediatrician, now family doctor. He graduated from the Sofia Medical Institute, the London College of Classical Homeopathy, and also studied clinical homeopathy at the Center for Training and Development of Homeopathy in France, where he then began teaching. One of the founders of the Bulgarian Medical Homeopathic Organization and the European School of Clinical Homeopathy.

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