5 mistakes in the interior of the children’s room

Wallpaper with bears or curtains with superheroes? A loft bed in the shape of a pirate ship or a sofa with a million pink pillows? The interior of the room in which your child grows up affects both his character and your relationship. The advice of experts will help parents think over the look of the nursery, which will contribute to the harmonious development of children.

The biggest mistake we make when decorating a children’s room is this: we adults try to realize our own unrealized dreams in it. Thus, we transfer our expectations and ambitions to our son or daughter.

Imposed scenarios

How does this threaten both the child and the family as a whole? In our opinion, in this way, parents “take away” their will, talents, and the desire to achieve their own goals from children.

Everyone knows examples when a school graduate goes to a medical institute, where he doesn’t really want to. But he grew up in a family of doctors, behind him is a dynasty of doctors. And the theatrical, artistic or, say, circus school, where the young man aspired, was “rejected” by his parents. And this will certainly lead to psychological problems in the future.

Sometimes dad makes his son go to football, while the boy himself wants to dance or paint soldiers. Or the mother drags the girl to the ballet, which she herself dreamed of all her life, and the child loves to draw or play volleyball.

There are many such cases, just as there are many unfortunate people around us who are dissatisfied with their fate. But at the same time, parents still remain disappointed, they have conflicts with their child … That is why you should not impose your idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbhow their world should be on a son or daughter.

No need to «do good»

How does this manifest itself in the space of the nursery? For example, adults are so absorbed in the embodiment of their ideas that they forget to ask the child himself about what kind of interior he wants to live in.

Mom says: “We conceived a marine theme, here is his bed with ropes, here is an armchair in the form of a boat, here is a chest with things, I wanted this as a child.” And what does her son think about life on the seabed? Perhaps this topic is not interesting to him at all. Will he be able to “breathe” in this space filled with mom? And who are the «we» she’s talking about?

Before you buy a piano, pirate gear, or whatever else you fancy, make sure the person you’re buying it for really needs it.

Personal space

What else needs to be considered when planning a nursery? It is important to understand that the child owns everything that is in his room. And when a loggia, pantry or dressing room adjoins it, this is also the space of your son or daughter.

If you plan to keep your cans, wheels, and other personal or household items there that you constantly have to go through the nursery for, remember: you are already breaking the boundaries of the child.

Do you want to grow the owner of a self-sufficient character, able to succeed? Is it important to you that your child loves, appreciates and respects you? Then do not enter his «territory» without permission. And think in advance which room in the house to allocate for the nursery, so as not to disturb your child and not to flicker in his room without asking.

If there are several children

If siblings will live in the room, it is important to observe the “golden rule”: each child should have a personal space. At a minimum, your chair, table and bed.

You can highlight the boundaries of the personal space of each child with color on the walls, a rack, a screen, a curtain, a closet, a canopy, etc.

It is important for every person, big and small, to feel secure, especially in their own home. This helps to relax, gain strength for new achievements and knowledge, feel significant, loved and independent.

Children should not set one table for two if you want each child to reveal their uniqueness and go their own way. Don’t buy a bunk bed — get the kids in the habit of sleeping in their own, normal bed. This does not apply to loft beds, where one child is the master of the entire structure: bed, table, wardrobe.

If you want to raise healthy, happy children, then listen to their wishes when decorating their room. Let them give you advice based on their lively mind and intuition. They themselves know better than anyone what will contribute to their maturation.

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