- 1/ 11 Pre-diabetes
- 2/ 11 Wolf’s hunger
- 3/ 11 The first disturbing symptoms
- 4/ 11 Genes aren’t everything
- 5/ 11 Sports, but not a feat
- 6/ 11 What do diabetes and obesity have in common?
- 7/ 11 Cigarettes, alcohol and sugar
- 8/ 11 Sweets and fat
- 9/ 11 Four types of diabetes
- 10/ 11 With mycosis to a dermatologist and diabetologist
- 11/ 11 Diabetic foot
Lack of access to modern therapies, expensive drugs. This is the fate of Polish diabetics. As many as 70 of them die every year. Fortunately, from January 1, 2017, a long-acting insulin analogue is reimbursed. – In many patients it will significantly improve the possibility of treatment – says prof. Janusz Gumprecht from the Diabetology and Nephrology Clinic of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice. In Poland, every fourth 60-year-old has diabetes, approx. 700 thousand. patients take insulin, Many patients risk amputation of the feet, because few of us know how pre-diabetes manifests itself, so we unknowingly lead to the advanced development of the disease. What do we need to know about diabetes and the condition that preceded it?
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1/ 11 Pre-diabetes
– Pre-diabetes is not a disease. It does not mean, however, that it can be underestimated – says prof. Krzysztof Strojek, national consultant in the field of diabetology. One in ten people with this condition develops overt diabetes each year (as evidenced by a fasting glucose greater than 125 mg / dL or a glucose load test result of at least 200 mg / dL). According to prof. The high glucose concentration may suggest the development of the so-called metabolic syndrome (also manifested by hypertension and elevated blood lipids), which may lead to stroke and infarction over a 5-10 year period. It is worth measuring blood pressure, because diabetes affects more often those who have it too high (over 130/80 mm Hg). Unfortunately, Poles with diagnosed hypertension take their medications irregularly.
2/ 11 Wolf’s hunger
– Unfortunately, losing weight is very difficult, in my 33 years of medical practice I managed to slim down only three patients »- says prof. Outfit. – Poles get the most calories during the daily snacking between meals – says Agnieszka Ślusarska-Staniszewska, a dietitian. The report “Poland in pre-diabetes” shows that every second person eats snacks between meals, and every third person eats before going to bed. The so-called ravenous hunger is a problem not only for people with eating disorders (bulimia and compulsive eating). It also applies to diabetics. Although there is a lot of glucose in the bloodstream, the body is unable to use it and sends a signal to the brain that it is “lacking resources”. This in turn generates the appetite.
3/ 11 The first disturbing symptoms
Excessive thirst and pollakiuria can be symptoms of diabetes mellitus. We must be alert to them, because statistically this disease is detected only after 5–12 years. That’s why it’s so important to catch its earliest symptoms. Also those that only indicate pre-diabetes. This is obviously manifested by elevated blood glucose levels (100-125 mg / dl fasting or 140-199 mg / dl in an oral glucose loading test). Even then, we may experience more frequent pressures on the bladder. The kidneys have a problem with filtering out excess glucose, so the urine increases in volume. We excrete it up to 3 liters a day. Then the thirst increases (this is called polydipsia) and patients then drink up to 10 liters of drinks.
4/ 11 Genes aren’t everything
We often inherit diabetes. If one of the parents has diabetes, the child may develop diabetes earlier. The likelihood of getting sick early will also be in the next generation. Some scientists believe that it is about inheriting genes, but also “inheriting” lifestyle, such as a bad diet and spending free time on the couch. – Pre-diabetes occurs in people aged 40–55 years. is one of the first serious signs of the risk of diabetes and the best time to take action and avoid it, emphasizes Prof. Krzysztof Strojek from the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze. 39 percent Poles surveyed believe that they know little about how it manifests itself and what is the risk of pre-diabetes, and 14 percent. never heard of him.
5/ 11 Sports, but not a feat
According to WHO recommendations, glucose levels should be checked every three years by people over 45 years of age. The president of the Diabetes Education Association, Beata Stepanow, emphasizes that after detecting prediabetes, the most important thing is to change your lifestyle. It is about changing your diet and increasing your physical activity (to at least two and a half hours a week). Losing excess weight can cut your risk of developing diabetes by as much as half.
6/ 11 What do diabetes and obesity have in common?
Unfortunately, diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, is more common in those who are heavily overwhelmed. – The so-called abdominal obesity. In the fat tissue called visceral inflammatory processes are initiated, which over time attack the entire body and lead to atherosclerosis and diabetes – says Prof. Mirosław Jarosz, director of IŻŻ. Even reducing weight by as little as 5 kg lowers the risk of diabetes or alleviates the course of diabetes. “Blue Stripe” is the name of the Polish educational campaign that was launched in October 2016. It comes from an old tailor’s belt used to measure the waist circumference. In women, it should not exceed 80 cm, and in men – 92 cm. If it exceeds, it increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, heart attack and stroke.
7/ 11 Cigarettes, alcohol and sugar
Just one cigarette or a small amount of alcohol drunk raises the blood sugar level. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver, which, occupied with its breakdown, loses the ability to properly regulate its concentration. Alcohol abuse leads to a total metabolic disorder. Everyone should limit the amount of alcohol they drink, and diabetics should give it up altogether and look for other ways to relax.
8/ 11 Sweets and fat
Harvard University conducted a study that proved that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 20 percent. And if we eat mainly fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dark bread, and often, but small portions – by 34 percent. Probably a diet with lots of vegetables and low amount of fats (especially animal fats), full of products with low glycemic index – below 55 GI, and low in sugar and salt, would be useful not only to those at risk of diabetes and heart disease, but to all of us.
9/ 11 Four types of diabetes
Until recently, doctors distinguished between two types of diabetes: 1 and 2. The first is when the body destroys the cells of the pancreas so that it does not produce insulin. The second is characterized not by insulin deficiency, but by the lack of sensitivity of the body’s cells to its action. According to the latest criteria of the Polish Diabetes Society, gestational and steroid diabetes are also distinguished. One of the first symptoms of the disease can be constant fatigue and sleepiness that will not go away with sleep.
10/ 11 With mycosis to a dermatologist and diabetologist
Bad breath (acetone smell), dental problems (mainly gums), thrush, mycosis and hard-to-heal cuts are alarming signals. This is how diabetes can manifest itself. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. Every year, more than 21 die from diabetes and its complications. Poles. Fasting blood glucose should not exceed 100 mg / dL. If it exceeds, it is worth doing the so-called sugar curve (we test the level of fasting glucose and two hours after drinking 75 grams of glucose dissolved in water).
11/ 11 Diabetic foot
One of the most dramatic complications of undiagnosed or poorly treated, especially of type 2, is diabetic foot. It affects up to a dozen percent of diabetics. When blood glucose levels are too high and blood glucose values are abnormal, blood vessels and nerves are damaged. This is how the diabetic foot is of vascular (ischemic) or nervous (neuropathic) origin. The first symptoms are abnormal sensations (it is easy to rub at the time), peeling skin, tingling, prickling and muscle spasms that increase at night. With time, hard-to-heal wounds and ulcers appear on the foot. There is a degradation of the skin, bones, joints and deformation of the foot (Charcot joint). She is swollen, red and has a high temperature. The fingers become hammer-shaped – bent at the middle joint. Neglecting the disease can lead to tissue necrosis and amputation. In Poland, every second lower limb amputation is performed due to neglected diabetes. And 70 patients die every year in Poland due to complications of diabetes.