5 Methods to Achieve Mindfulness

Hello, dear readers of the site! The state of mindfulness is being in the present moment, when a person simply monitors his thoughts and feelings without giving them evaluation.

It is not so easy to achieve it, but if you make an effort, it will become a kind of way of life, when a person constantly asks questions, with the help of which he better understands himself, the motives of his actions and the root causes of any emotions.

What gives us awareness?


A person who understands what he wants and how to realize his desires simply cannot but be successful.

If only because he is able to distinguish what is his interest and what they are trying to impose on him, for example, as public opinion or a manifestation of parental care.

He knows when to take a breather and when to give it his all. How to prioritize so that time really works for him, bringing profit and joy.

Intellect enhancement

Scientifically, mindfulness stimulates the brain to work more actively. At least that’s the conclusion scientists from Harvard Medical School came to.

Why a person becomes not only more productive in his activities, but also more developed. Because he understands those processes and phenomena that he had not even paid attention to before.

She notices the feelings she experiences, which allows her to better navigate her own character and recognize the emotions of those around her.


Have you ever been so hungry that you quickly eat up, stuffing your stomach, and not feeling the pleasure of the process, products? And what about doing something, thinking about completely extraneous things, subsequently lamenting how quickly time flies and life passes by?

If you learn to concentrate on what you are doing in the moment here and now, you will enjoy almost every minute you live.

Mindfulness Development

Practices that increase awareness — consist of tasks for concentration. It is impossible to learn to notice yourself in this world without focusing on your feelings and thoughts, right?

Health and longevity

A conscious person is able to regulate the level of stress, promptly seeking help or support if necessary. And stress, as you know, causes extremely unpleasant consequences for the body.

For example, it provokes the occurrence of ulcers, headaches, a heart attack, and much more unpleasant, and sometimes fatal.

And in general, have you heard the phrase: “all diseases are from nerves”? There is some truth in it. Among other things, you will simply prolong your life, because when every day is joy and pleasure, then strength, resources, energy appear to move forward without stopping for suffering and worries about the meaninglessness of your existence.

5 Methods to Achieve Mindfulness

Harmony in relationships

And any format. You will be attentive not only to your own emotions, but also to the feelings of the people around you with whom you build relationships.

You will also learn to accept, accordingly, you will appreciate loved ones because they simply exist in your life, and not for certain actions. Then they will respond to you in return, not requiring you to meet expectations and so on.

Freedom from fears and obsessions

Understanding the root cause of fears, it becomes easier to deal with them than if you just try to ignore your horror. Sometimes obsessions drive a person to suicide, because he is simply unable to live like this, constantly worrying and worrying.

By practicing meditation and breathing techniques aimed at developing awareness, a person gets rid of irrational fears.

As activity in his right prefrontal cortex and amygdala decreases in activity in the brain, and it increases in the left side, which stimulates the emergence of emotions such as joy, carelessness and peace.

By the way, follow this link if obsessions have so captured your consciousness that you no longer have the strength to endure them. And even more so if specialists diagnose OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).


Non-judgmental judgments

Keep track of your every thought, which contains criticism, evaluation, condemnation, and so on. Let’s say you are walking down the street and you see a woman in ridiculous clothes, then instead of thinking about how you could choose your wardrobe and combine things, come up with, say, 5 compliments addressed to her. Or any reason to look like that.

Perhaps she is such a creative person that others will pick up her idea and will also be happy to dress like that.

Or maybe they called her in the morning and told the sad news, and it was not at all up to thinking what clothes to choose. The main thing is not to jump out of the house naked in a panic.

By learning to think without judgment, it will be easier for you to accept not only the world around you as it is, but also yourself. And this will add completely different colors to life, enliven it and make it more saturated.

Expansion of consciousness

It is not necessary to divide the world only into “good” and “bad”, if only because between these two concepts there is a place for a wide range of emotions and states. How we live determines how we think.

For example, you can get annoyed every time with your spouse because of laziness, which will spoil relations with him, violate intimacy, and so on. And you can look at this trait of his from the other side, let’s say that he knows how to relax and unwind.

And that at least occasionally you should take an example from him. To also enjoy the weekend, and not grab your head, demanding the impossible from yourself. Then indulging in thoughts about how difficult it is to live in this world, and how unfairly the world works.

So make a list of what you don’t like about yourself, co-workers, friends and in general. And then figure out how to turn the negative into a positive. That is, in each paragraph, find something good, useful, that can be useful to you.

For example, not slow, but paying attention to every detail, not aggressive, but able to defend its boundaries …

5 Methods to Achieve Mindfulness

To learn how to change the type of thinking, you will learn by clicking here. Still, stereotypes “live” in each of us, significantly poisoning our existence, especially if they are completely illogical and not constructive.

Take the same example with laziness. Living under the motto — lazy to be ashamed, a person becomes a workaholic until he completely «falls off» from exhaustion and depression.

Presence in reality

In order to learn to stay in a calm, peaceful state, when almost all the processes that occur in the body, thoughts and surrounding reality are realized, one will have to give up electronic means of communication for a while.

Even TV should be banned. It is necessary to turn off everything for 36 hours, in extreme cases, 24 hours may come up. Plan a similar experiment for the weekend, especially if your job involves taking calls, searching for information on the Internet, and so on.

bodily sensations

During the day, listen to the sensations that you experience. Just try to notice them not when the intensity goes off scale, but at the stage of their inception.

Then, over time, you will be able to immediately determine that you are unhappy with something, without bringing yourself to a state of rage. Timely removing the source of irritation, or realizing it. You will have more space for other, more pleasant feelings to live in.

Let’s say right now pay attention to how you sit? Are your feet comfortable? What sensations arise in the back, neck, arms? How does the skin react to clothes? Does it hinder movement?


To enter a meditative state, a person needs to concentrate on his breathing, posture, and thoughts. In general, do what awareness implies.

Meditations are for different levels of training. That is, if you have never practiced before, do not be upset.

There are many techniques that are quite easy to master on your own. Some of them are described in detail in this article. If you do not want to study all alone, sign up for a group.

Believe me, with the help of yoga you will improve your health, become more calm and balanced. And also achieve success in such an important process of self-development and self-improvement.


And finally, I want to recommend one more article, which contains information on how to enter a meditative and relaxed state.

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Also, take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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