5 major mistakes in mashed potatoes

It would seem that such a simple dish, how can you spoil it? It turns out to be very easy – even at the stage of buying potatoes.

Once upon a time, mashed potatoes were the main holiday dish in almost every family. Products for him required the simplest, cooking is also easy, and the result is mmm … But sometimes instead of “mmm” it turns out for some reason “fu” – a grayish watery mass, similar to paste. This was often served in school canteens. And all because they approached the matter without a soul. We have collected five of the most common mistakes that make airy puree turn into an indistinct porridge – did you make them?

Size matters

You need to cut the potatoes into exactly the same pieces, otherwise some will already boil, while others will remain raw inside. As a result, the puree will be both watery and lumpy. There is a temptation to cut the potatoes into smaller cubes so that they cook faster, but this is also a mistake: small pieces will absorb more water. Yes, the puree will turn out to be watery again. The potato cube should be at least two fingers thick.

Color – too

Potato variety is also important. The one with the red peel is better for frying; it breaks into pieces when boiled. Tubers with yellow flesh look just amazing when finished, but it is quite difficult to turn them into mashed potatoes, more often lumps remain. But white potatoes are ideal for mashed potatoes: they contain the most starch, they absorb milk, cream, butter well, which make the finished dish even tastier. And it is much easier to crush it.

Hotter is not better

Boil potatoes over medium heat, avoiding a strong boil. Otherwise, the tubers will begin to boil on top, and in the middle they will be still raw. The potatoes will crack and the boiling water will literally wash away the top layer. As a result, you will end up with cloudy broth and undercooked potatoes.

By the way, you need to put potatoes in cold water, and salt them immediately after boiling.

Timing is the head

Finished potatoes should not be left in water, they must be drained immediately. And then leave the pan alone for five minutes, so that the potatoes “rest”. And only then take up a crush or blender. If you wait too long, the potatoes will cool down and become more difficult to crush. You will surely get lumps instead of airiness. If you are mashing with a blender or food processor, don’t overdo it. The same principle applies here as with the preparation of the dough: if you beat it for too long, you get a sticky clogged mass.

We measure the temperature

Eggs, milk or cream and butter are usually added to mashed potatoes. Only then does it have the right to be called that, otherwise it’s just crushed potatoes. So, all these additive ingredients must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they warm to room temperature. Otherwise, the potatoes will not absorb them well, the mashed potatoes will lose their taste and aroma. By the way, it is believed that adding eggs to mashed potatoes makes the finished dish tougher. But this is not for everybody.

3 life hacks

Chefs combine different varieties of potatoes in one puree. The main thing is that it is starchy enough. Then the puree will be even tastier.

Young mashed potatoes can be cooked directly in the skin and almost without water: put a bar of butter on the bottom of the pan, add literally half a glass of water. Young potatoes are so saturated with moisture that they literally cook in their own juice.

You can add herbs, garlic, even cheese to mashed potatoes – any additives to your taste. The main thing is that it is still hot, so that the cheese melts, and the garlic gives off all its aroma.

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