We are accustomed to perceive the New Year as a moment of transition from the past to the future, from the old to the new. Even skeptics who do not believe in miracles take stock and make plans for the future. The heart stops during the chimes, the soul becomes light, it is filled with the expectation of a miracle. It is within our power to bring it closer. Here are five important words to say on the eve of the holiday in order to step into the new year renewed and internally free.
«Thanks to»
Gratitude is a manifestation of kindness and love. When it reaches the addressee, we fulfill an important mission: we help the other person feel significant and valuable. The psyche is arranged in such a way that we focus on the bad, and take the good for granted. Gratitude is the basis of positive thinking, it helps to notice the good, to pay attention to the bright side of life.
What need to do? Decide who to thank. Most likely, these will be the people you love. Thank those who were kind to you, gave you happy moments, were helpful or supported when it was needed.
It is important to say the words of recognition aloud, addressing the addressee personally, or to send beautifully designed congratulatory letters. Be sure to write what you thank this person for: this will help him know that he made our world a better place. By making a list of people and events for which you are grateful, you will realize how much good has happened over the past year.
Forgiving someone else is very difficult. It is believed that a strong resentment lives in our soul for 20 years. Not wanting to part with this feeling, we make things worse for ourselves. When we allow ourselves to forgive another, this does not mean that we are weak and turn the other cheek. This means that we know how to take care of ourselves, feel sorry for ourselves and free ourselves from the yoke of resentment and disappointment.
What need to do? Make a list of those who are offended. Next to each item, write: “I forgive you because I want to be free from my resentment towards you. Your deed will remain with you, and I will move on and will not look back anymore.
«I’m letting go»
Let go of everything that you do not need, slows down the movement forward, stops development. Let go of problems that cannot be solved or that you have no control over. Why waste energy on this and drag a load of problems and grievances with you?
What need to do? Write the name of the person or describe the situation you are releasing. Next, indicate what it will give you. Try to find something good in it, a benefit or benefit that you get by letting go. For example, in the heart and life, a place will be freed up for someone else, a truly important and important person.
«I take it with me»
There is probably something in your life that you value, that is valuable and important to you, that helps and supports. Be sure to take this with you into the new year.
What need to do? List all the discoveries that have happened to you this year. What new things did you learn about yourself, what experience did you gain, what qualities did you discover in yourself? Maybe you have experienced a feeling you didn’t know before? Opposite each item, indicate why you need this knowledge, how you will use it.
«I will receive»
Pay attention: not “I wish”, but “I will receive”. Our words affect our lives: the dream runs the risk of remaining unrealistic, and the desire to receive is saturated with the energy of achievement.
What need to do? Write down what you get by starting the list: “Next year I will get…”. Next to each item, write a strong quality or virtue that will help you achieve that goal.
These words can be pronounced when one stage of your life ends, and another comes to replace it. And instead of the uncertainty of the future and the instability of the transitional state, you will receive a clear internal position and provide yourself with invaluable support.