5 keys to elegant old age

Accepting yourself is not an easy task, especially when it comes to age-related changes. And yet it is important to do this, and much more constructively than feverishly studying the market for cosmetics and plastic surgeons in search of the cherished “Makropulos remedy”. We’ve put together tips on how to age gracefully. We say “yes” to communication, proper nutrition, healthy sleep, mental and physical activity, “no” to loneliness, TV, routine and bright makeup.

Imagine beautifully and with dignity an aging person. What images come to mind first? Maybe specific people – celebrities? Do not rush to read the next paragraph, give free rein to your imagination.

Perhaps you, like many, thought of Meryl Streep, or Catherine Deneuve, or George Clooney. No doubt, they all look great, but elegant “growing up” is not only a matter of appearance. It is equally important to learn to accept age-related changes as inevitable and relentlessly motivate yourself to stay mentally and physically fit, no matter how old you are. Here’s what will help.

1. Take good care of your skin

Of course, you have heard this recommendation more than once, it should be taken seriously. It is especially important to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. Studies show that almost 90% of the problems associated with age-related skin changes (wrinkles, dark spots, dryness) are due to the harmful effects of the sun.

Even if the sky is cloudy, be sure to protect your skin with a cream with a broad spectrum of action, water-repellent effect and UV protection of at least 30%. It is not necessary to buy a special tanning product: high-quality modern cosmetics contain filters that block UV rays, so a moisturizing or nourishing face product will suffice. You can’t do without a wide-brimmed hat in the summer, it will allow you to keep your face in the shade.

Regularity above all else

Prevention is the key to mature skin care. It is important not only to protect it from the sun, but also to properly moisturize. Wash your face twice a day with lukewarm water and a facial cleanser (unlike regular soap, it won’t dry out your skin).

A few more tips:

  • Choose cosmetics according to your skin type. It is desirable that each of them be labeled “anti-aging.” Opt for hypoallergenic products.
  • Do not think that the high price of the tool is the key to its effectiveness. Many budget creams give excellent results.
  • Use exfoliation twice a week to exfoliate dead skin cells. Gently cleanse the skin in a circular motion with your fingers.
  • Do not forget about the delicate skin around the eyes, apply a cream or serum every day to strengthen it. Do not stretch the skin of the eyelids: try to gently “drive in” the cream.
  • Pay special attention to your lips, choose a moisturizer with UV protection.
  • If in doubt about choosing a remedy, make an appointment with a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

It’s time to stop smoking, it accelerates the aging process of the skin, depriving it of oxygen and vitamins, which leads to premature wrinkles. The skin loses collagen and elastin and sags as a result.

2. Think of a new life in retirement

Now you have a job and a position in society. What happens after you finish your career? Think in advance what you will do in your “golden age”. Do you have or had a hobby to which you could not devote as much time as you would like. It’s time to remember him. Plan trips, meetings with relatives and other activities that will keep life interesting.

accept your age

Aging beautifully does not mean striving to still look 30 or act like a teenager. The elegance of growing up lies in its acceptance, because this is a completely normal and natural process. You need to be proud of your age – not everyone manages to live up to gray hair!

stop being nervous

Stress can add an extra ten years. Stress adversely affects the immune system, can lead to depression, increased anxiety, weight gain, and digestive problems. Of course, you cannot completely get rid of stress, it is an inevitable part of life. Learn to regulate the “dosage” and do not complain about age.

You should not carry the burden of old traumas and resentments for years, which leads to somatization, “escape to the disease.” Meditation can help you deal with anxiety. An easy way is to focus on your breath, following each inhalation and exhalation.

Stay optimistic

Positive thinking is directly related to longevity, physical and mental health. If you are filled with optimism and do not turn aging into a tragedy, you will live a long and happy life.

3. Be active

You have probably heard about this more than once, one cannot but say a few words about the benefits of playing sports. It’s not a good idea to start running marathons or mountain climbing, but walking won’t hurt most people. Walking for half an hour a day at a good pace will help maintain the tone of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, strengthen bones, maintain a stable weight and good digestion.

Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition

First of all, less sweets and more vitamins. As we age, metabolism changes and we need more vitamins than when we were young.

Vitamin E can be found in dried fruits and seeds, green vegetables and vegetable oil. It helps the body fight free radicals and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Vitamin C, which are rich in rose hips, sweet peppers, currants, citrus fruits, another enemy of free radicals. It promotes the production of vitamin E, participates in the production of collagen and reduces the risk of developing cancer, cataracts and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin D helps fight osteoporosis. We always need strong bones, and especially in adulthood. Vitamin D enters our body with the sun’s rays, and it can also be found in dairy products.

Forget TV

Watching TV for many hours is just as detrimental to health as a cigarette and a sedentary lifestyle. It’s time to leave the cozy sofa and do something useful.

Watch your teeth

Visit your dentist regularly and follow all his recommendations. Thoroughly brushing your teeth means avoiding infections, cavities and other troubles.

4. Stay Social

Communication helps to keep a good mood and mental flexibility. Do not withdraw into yourself, invest not only in relationships with old friends, but also in meeting new people, and the emotional reward will not keep you waiting.

Load your brain with new tasks

Learn new things, challenge your mental abilities. Long live new neural connections and trained old ones. Even minor changes are already training for the brain. Choose new routes, use new ingredients in dishes, draw or write with your left hand if you are right-handed (and vice versa).

Get enough sleep

With age, sleep disorders often occur: it is difficult for some to fall asleep, for others it is difficult to get out of a drowsy state. Follow the regimen and try to get at least seven hours of sleep.

5. Appearance is your business card

Don’t go overboard with makeup. It seems that powder or foundation will mask wrinkles, this leads to the opposite result. Don’t try to hide your age with layers of make-up. Proper makeup should be discreet, inconspicuous, noble.

Don’t get carried away with aesthetic surgery. There is nothing shameful in resorting to surgical intervention. At the same time, hoping that it will return your young face to you is also not worth it. Above all, be yourself. If you like your long hair, don’t cut it. Are you sure that gray strands go more than dyed ones? Let it be. Decided to become a blonde, your right.

Growing up does not mean not following fashion and forgetting about style. Be original, do not change yourself and your desires. You can always change studs for flip flops.

Source: fr.wikihow.com

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