5 healthiest diets
The ideologists of proper nutrition say: when choosing a diet for yourself, remember that you need to sit on it all your life. Which means it should be right for you. But how to choose the optimal one?

The authoritative American source US News & World Report has published a list of the best diets. We studied them with Director of the National Research Center “Healthy Nutrition” Zinaida Medvedeva and identified five of the healthiest diets.

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1. Mediterranean

In first place in the US News & World Report rating, like many other ratings over the past few years. In fact, this is the usual diet of the population of the Mediterranean region.

What it is: no limit fruits, vegetables, omega-3 rich seafood, olive oil, nuts. Saturated fat, red meat, and added sugar are only allowed in small amounts. But you can afford a glass of red wine and cheese for dinner.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes; does not require fasting, which means it will help not only lose weight, but also stay at the desired weight – you can stick to it all your life
Fresh quality fruits and fish are quite expensive

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: oatmeal in diluted milk with fruits, sweetened with honey

Dinner: fish soup, cucumber and tomato salad with sour cream

Dinner: broccoli and cauliflower casserole, plain yogurt.

2. Scandinavian

The Nordic countries adapted the Mediterranean diet to suit their conditions and called it the Scandinavian meal plan. Doctors believe that such a diet has a great effect on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and prolongs life.

What it is: the basis of nutrition – leafy greens, vegetables, as well as unsaturated fats – from vegetable oil, fish, nuts. Limit or exclude animal and trans fats, sugar, refined, i.e. fully processed, foods, meat and full fat milk.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has a positive effect on metabolism, helps to strengthen the immune system – as a result, a person looks younger and more energetic.
Not suitable for rapid weight loss, this diet should be followed constantly. It is not suitable for vegetarians, vegans and those who suffer from allergies to seafood and fish.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: yogurt without sugar with berries and a drop of honey.

Snack: a pinch of almonds.

Lunch: fish with leafy greens and vinaigrette.

Dinner: chicken breast garnished with dark rice and poached vegetables: a mixture of beans, carrots and sweet onions.


This nutrition system was developed by cardiologists. The name is encrypted “Dietary nutrition to combat hypertension.” Hypertension is one of the main causes of death in people. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to support it with proper nutrition.

What it is: Eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, and lean protein like poultry, fish, nuts, and beans.

The DASH diet is low in fat and cholesterol. The main sources of fats are vegetable oils rich in omega-3 and omega-6, and some vegetables, such as avocados. With hypertension, it is very important to reduce salt intake; Use herbs and spices to add flavor to foods.

Advantages and disadvantages

People tend to lose or maintain their weight, have lower blood pressure, and have a lower risk of heart and kidney disease
Not geared specifically towards weight loss

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: fruit salad with yogurt and walnuts, whole grain bread with vegetable spread, tea.

Snack: mixture of seeds, nuts and dried fruits.

Lunch: homemade shawarma of boiled chicken with turmeric and vegetables.

Dinner: whole grain spaghetti with salt-free tomato sauce, leafy greens and nectarine salad dressed with olive oil.

4. Flexitarianism

In English, the word flexitarian is a combination of the words flexible (flexible) and vegetarian (vegetarian). Simply put, a flexitarian is a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat.

What it is: The basis of nutrition is vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Plant foods, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, help maintain youth and fight inflammation in the body.

– A complete rejection of meat, dairy products and eggs is not required, but their number is limited, – comments Zinaida Medvedeva. – The main place on the table will be occupied by plant products.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to studies, the diet helps to reduce weight and improves metabolism. Normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, fights inflammation in the body
Many flexitarians eventually become completely vegetarian. But plant-based proteins are unable to completely replace animals, and this can cause health problems.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese (low-fat or fat-free), vegetables (bell peppers) and greens – lettuce and parsley.

Snack: an apple, a small banana, a handful of nuts.

Lunch: vegetable soup with potatoes, beans, cauliflower.

Snack: a glass of orange fresh, 3 – 4 pcs. any dried fruits, 3 pcs. almonds.

Dinner: bean puree, vegetable salad without oil, any cabbage stewed without oil.

5. Weight Watchers

The diet with such a strange name was invented in 1961 by an American housewife who gathered a group of friends to lose weight together. Today, Weight Watchers has offices around the world, and methods and benefits for losing weight are distributed on a commercial basis.

The Weight Watcher Diet is based on scoring. Each product is assigned a certain number of points, and the task is not to score more points in a day than it should be. Losing weight keeps a diary, where he records in detail how much and what was eaten.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is no need to study the composition of products and their properties. It is enough to check the dishes on the table with detailed tables.
Initially, the weight watcher system only considered the number of calories. Over time, it was improved by calculating the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. But oddities in the recommendations are still found. Complete tables are distributed commercially. It is difficult to maintain a diet for a long time, as the number of points allowed decreases all the time.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: sandwich with low-fat soft cheese, a couple of slices of onion and smoked red fish (30 g) – 4 points. Coffee with cream and sugar – 1 point.

Snack: 1 apple, yogurt – 180 g (3 points).

Lunch: cream soup with vegetables, a sandwich with rye flour bread, tomato, basil and feta cheese – 5 points.

Snack: smoothie with low-fat yogurt (250 g), a handful of berries and a banana – 3 points.

Dinner: oatmeal with milk – 150 g, raisins – 2 teaspoons, natural honey – 1 teaspoon, orange juice – 1 cup (6 points in total).

To keep the brain young

The last diet is out of competition. The MIND diet was developed by scientists at Rush University of Chicago based on the results of a study conducted by the National Institute on Aging. Scientists have studied the prevention of age-related diseases of the nervous system. It was found that such a diet improves the mental functions of the nervous system, reduces the risk of developing dementia, and even allows you to increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex.

Proper nutrition is especially important for older people.

“At least 4 times the risk of developing Alzheimer’s is the consumption of trans fats,” says Zinaida Medvedeva. – The latest research has shown that the main role in the development of the disease belongs to cholesterol: it damages nerve cells and the connections between them.

What it is: products that are good for the brain are released. These include green leafy vegetables, nuts and berries, legumes, whole grains, lean fish, and poultry. Scientists especially focus on leafy vegetables. They are a powerful source of lutein, which helps keep the mind sharp in later life.

The following foods should be avoided: red meat, fatty dairy products, pastries and sweets, fried foods and fast food.

– To stick to this diet and benefit from it, you need to eat at least 3 servings of whole grains daily, one green leafy vegetable and one other vegetable of any kind, drink a glass of wine every day, mainly take nuts for a snack, eat legumes about a day eat poultry and berries at least twice a week and fish at least once a week. Fill food with vegetable oil, olive or rapeseed, our expert explains.

Advantages and disadvantages

The diet reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and slows down cognitive impairment in the elderly by 35-53%. The scatter in the data depends on how strictly they followed the diet.
Fish, berries, fresh vegetables are far from affordable for all elderly people.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries and almonds.

Snack: mixture of seeds, nuts and dried fruits.

Lunch: kale and quinoa salad with almonds, tomatoes, broccoli, dressing – olive oil with apple cider vinegar.

Dinner: fried chicken breast with brown rice, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers and cashews.

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