5 health benefits of reading

5 health benefits of reading

Nothing like a good novel to get away from it all and fill up with emotions, right? But that’s not all ! Reading has unexpected health benefits. Find out the good reasons to swap television for a good book.

Reading is a powerful stress reliever

Immersing yourself in a novel is a great way to reduce anxiety. And for good reason, when we read, our mind is focused on what is written, we then forget our worries during this time and the tensions present in our body disappear. We don’t think of anything other than the universe in which our characters evolve. We offer ourselves a moment apart, which plunges us into a deep state of relaxation. Whether it’s a romantic comedy, a thriller or a historical novel, the benefits will be the same: we escape reality, for a moment.

Reading promotes sleep

Having trouble falling asleep? Say goodbye to sleeping pills, let’s read. Many studies have shown the benefits of reading on sleep. Unlike screens that disrupt our biological clock and delay falling asleep, reading allows you to fall more quickly into the arms of Morpheus. By instituting a ritual each evening, the brain registers that it is almost time to go to sleep.

Reading enriches vocabulary

The more we read, the more we discover new words and the more we enrich our vocabulary… logic! It is for this reason that it is said that children should be read from an early age. Likewise, the more you read, the better you write! Spelling, syntax and grammar errors are becoming increasingly rare. Reading also helps to strengthen one’s general culture since one acquires new knowledge.

Reading stimulates the brain

Reading is a way to stimulate one’s imagination, memory, and cognitive abilities in a holistic way. In any case, this is shown by a study carried out by researchers at Emory University in the United States, the results of which were published in the journal Brain Connectivity. Indeed, the researchers found that regular readers had better connectivity between their neurons. At the end of the experiment, the participants had an MRI scan, and the scientists noticed that the left temporal cortex and the central sulcus of the brain had been particularly stressed.

Reading increases emotional intelligence

Several studies have shown that reading makes you emphatic. By following the adventures of different characters, we learn to be more tolerant with them, to understand their emotions and not to be without permanent judgment. A quality that can only serve us in real life!

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