5 habits that will lead to tooth loss in a few years

5 habits that will lead to tooth loss in a few years

Introducing bad habits that you should get rid of right now!

Research is already underway in the UK, the United States and Canada to find ways to naturally regenerate tooth enamel and dentin (the tissue that predominantly consists of teeth). Scientists have managed to make tangible progress in this direction, but so far it is still far from the invention of technology for restoring teeth by the forces of the body. In other words, it will take a long time before we will be able to grow our teeth on our own after their loss or damage. Against this background, their safety should be treated with special care. Therefore, Wday.ru turned to the dentist Vladimir Shipkov to find out what should not be done with the teeth in order to avoid damage to them.

Dentist, chief physician of the dental center Dr. SHIPKOV dental clinic

5 habits to give up

1. Nail biting 

Nail plates are softer than enamel, but the potential danger of this negative habit lies not only in mechanical damage to the protective layer of the teeth. The fact is that bacteria are constantly present under the nails in large quantities. Once in the mouth, they begin to multiply actively. If there are carious shells or microcracks in the enamel on the teeth, the pathogenic microflora fills them with itself and destroys hard tissues in the process of its vital activity.

Aesthetics and etiquette are equally good reasons for breaking this habit.

2. Use teeth for other purposes

The force of compression of the jaws of the average person reaches 80 kilograms per square centimeter. This gives some reason to use teeth as pliers, adjustable wrenches or wrenches, openers, scissors and other tools. Despite the fact that many succeed in this, you should not use your teeth for anything other than biting and chewing food. Otherwise, you risk not only not completing your plans, but also losing the tool, which, as you already know, will not recover on its own.

3. Give preference to solid snacks

There is hardly a person who does not like crunching with crackers, nuts or carrots. No less people prefer hard varieties of sweets, dried roach and a number of other delicacies that are fraught with potential danger to teeth. These are solid foods, biting of which can lead to the chipping of pieces from the teeth or the appearance of cracks in their body. If you are not ready to give up such delicacies, try to grind them first, and during the chewing process, do not apply too much force to squeeze the jaws and be careful.

4. Use improperly selected hygiene products

Toothbrushes are especially dangerous in this context. The uninitiated ordinary people choose them for color, price, shape and other factors that have nothing to do with dental health. Toothbrushes are often too hard, and not everyone knows how to use them correctly. As a result, the enamel is worn out and the gums are injured. Some people aggravate the situation with home bleaching, using baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and other available remedies. As a result of such experiments, few manage to achieve the desired result, but the condition of the teeth worsens in almost all. 

5. Grinding your teeth

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body, but it also has a tensile strength. When a person periodically grinds his teeth, the enamel will wear off over time. Dentin is exposed and teeth become defenseless against the destructive effects of organic acids, food dyes, pathogenic microflora, and other destructive factors. Such a habit can have a number of reasons, but, regardless of them, it must be fought with. This will not only save your teeth, but also relationships with people from your social circle.

This is not a complete list of threats to teeth, but eliminating at least them significantly increases the chances that you will retain the functionality and visual appeal of the dentition for a long time. To ensure this, remember to visit your dentist and perform professional hygiene at least every six months.

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