5 habits that prevent weight loss: says nutritionist

5 habits that prevent weight loss: says nutritionist

Trying to lose those extra pounds, trying all diets, but not losing weight? Nutritionist, nutritionist Ksenia Pustovaya shared with us the secrets of nutrition to maintain a slim figure and named 5 main bad habits that prevent us from doing this.

5 habits that prevent weight loss: says nutritionist

We strive to be better and look prettier, sit on countless diets and try to play sports. Sometimes it seems that all these efforts do not give any result at all. This means that something is being done wrong.

Nutritionist, nutritionist and founder of the Center for Distance Education “School of Nutritionists” Ksenia Pustovaya in new video told us about 5 habits that prevent you from losing weight.

1. Tea drinking

Syrups, adding fruit to tea and our favorite tea sweets are additional calories that are usually stored in the abdomen and sides and form visceral obesity. So, if we want to have a slender waist, we often refuse desserts and sweet teas.

2. Love for fruit

Our favorite fruits contain sugar and fructose, which are the most common causes of overweight. Therefore, if we want to maintain a figure, fruit should be eaten no more than 300-400 g per day.

3. Striving to avoid fats

The diet must necessarily contain foods rich in healthy fat: egg yolk, caviar, fish, rabbit meat, containing a large amount of phospholipids and vitamin A, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. No more than 30% of the diet can be vegetable fats.

4. Pampering with sweets

We give preference to this bad habit from childhood, compensating for the lack of communication, positive emotions from social activity, and so on. It is important to learn how to reward yourself in a different way in order to maintain your figure.

5. Lack of control of the required level of vitamins

It is very important to control the level of fat-soluble vitamin D, as this way we can influence the metabolic rate. Vitamin D participates in calcium metabolism, in our intellectual activity, affects the condition of the skin and hair, the nervous system, and, of course, metabolism.

It carries not only vitamin, but also hormonal functions, since it is a steroid hormone, and it is these hormones that have the ability to speed up metabolism. It is extremely important to control and compensate for vitamin D levels in the body with nutrition, sunlight and supplements.

Iron is an equally important element in the body. To control its level, it is necessary to regularly take a complete blood count and ferritin. With a lack of iron, hypoxia develops (a state of lack of oxygen in the body), and, accordingly, the process of metabolism, energy production slows down, and fats are burned worse.

In addition, it is important not to forget about the control of thyroid hormones, sex hormones, which also play a huge role in the desire to lose weight.

Nutritionist, certified sports nutritionist, bodybuilding and fitness instructor, founder of the Center for Distance Education “School of Nutritionists”


Photo: Getty Images, Ksenia Pustovaya

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