Any problem can be solved, any result can be achieved. You just need to correctly formulate the goal, make every effort, and everything will definitely work out. For most tasks, this postulate works. But in life there are completely unattainable goals for which you should not waste your time, money and effort.
#1: “I have to make everyone happy”
The truth is that it is technically impossible. Each individual is responsible for his condition, for whether he is happy or not. It’s even written in the Bible.
Often the mirror of this situation is the relationship with the opposite sex. Surely you have already experienced a relationship in which you invested in a partner emotionally and financially. You gave and gave and gave, and in return you received all the same discontent and a dejected look. Did you recognize yourself among the protagonists of this story?
#2: “I have to be perfect”
We have finally found the key to success! All you need is to be perfect and not make mistakes. And indeed, all successful people are such ideal beings, just angels in the flesh, and there are no miscalculations and scandalous stories behind them. We hope you catch the irony in these words.
#3: “All my projects must succeed”
This unattainable goal rhymes well with the previous one. In fact, you are terribly afraid that you will be criticized for mistakes. The two biggest fears that make us incapacitated are the fear of failing and being criticized or judged. Admit that you have repeatedly said to yourself: “What will my friends say if I try a new thing? What happens if I don’t succeed?” Just imagine how life could change if you stopped being afraid of failure and stopped being judged by other people.
#4: “I have to satisfy the requests and please 100% of the customers”
Absolutely unattainable under any circumstances! You are not a candy to please everyone? Imagine a situation where you are standing on the street handing out 20 euro bills. There will always be a few people walking by. We do not recommend going for such an experiment.
#5: “I have to achieve all my goals before 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 years old”
Often we hear that a goal is a dream, but with a specific implementation date. We live in tension under the slogan “build a house by 25, have children at 30” and so on.
In real life, achieving goals takes twice as long as we let ourselves go or planned. When the deadline has come, and things are still there, people begin to experience frustration, consider themselves losers. We must admit that most often these round dates do not oblige us to anything. In no case should you hate yourself if you did not build a house or give birth to a child by the scheduled date. Frustration is an anti-motivator.
If you feel that something in life is not going well, stop running after phantom and unattainable tasks. Plan specific, self-development goals that will make you happy.