5 games with alcohol for a drunk company

Many companies do not know what to do during joint gatherings with alcohol. People get bored, and boredom is the worst friend of a good vacation.

For those who want not only to drink, but also to have a good time, Whisk has compiled a list of five drinking games that do not require special attributes or clear thinking!

Classics of the genre: “I have never…”

This game is a real example of classic entertainment in noisy companies, however, for some reason, it is often forgotten about. And it’s completely in vain: any number of people can play this game, and the rules are very simple.

Rules of the game

Everyone is poured a certain amount of alcohol, then the leader appointed in advance, says the classic beginning: “I never …” and continues with examples from life: “I never did somersaults.” All those who disagree with him should immediately drink, then the role of the leader passes to the next player.

The special charm of the game is that with its help you can easily find a common language even in the most diverse company, where both men and women are present. We assure you: absolutely no one will refuse to tell something new about himself under a plausible pretext.

The Neverending Story or Tangled Tongue

Another drunken game that requires only a little attention from the participants and the ability to speak intelligibly.

The main advantage of this fun activity is laughter: the worldview of different people often gives rise to the most stupid stories and situations.

Rules of the game

A noisy company, forgetting about drinking for a while, chooses the most creative (or drunk) person – it is he who is given the honor to say the first word.

Then everyone adds another one to it, repeating the previous ones, so that a sentence is connected in meaning. There are many stupid examples of such compound phrases: “My” “brother” “always” “walks” “naked” “down the street” “at night”. Funny? Still would!

Anyone who finishes a thought out of place, or cannot think of a continuation at all, is punished with a penalty: it can be either a glass of cognac or a glass of beer drunk in one gulp.

Alcoholic roulette

Alcohol roulette is another popular game that drinkers forget about for some reason. It is suitable only for those companies where vodka is a priority drink, although, however, no one will stop you from buying a couple of bottles of clear booze specifically for entertainment.

Rules of the game

As usual, the leader is appointed first. He is given the most important role – he must pour the booze (and not only). But first things first.

For the game, pure water and vodka are used, and the latter in slightly smaller quantities. The host turns away from the audience and pours liquids into glasses: one of them must contain vodka (or maybe not one …). Then everyone drinks in one gulp, and the lucky one, who is “unlucky” to get a “bullet”, grants a wish or answers the question of the pourer.

killer cocktail

Another original drinking game that requires luck and imagination from the participants. However, in order to participate in this fun, there must be at least four (and more) types of alcohol on the table.

Rules of the game

The rules are simple: a glass (or glass) is placed in the center of the table, the participants sit around it, and take out an ordinary coin. A person with a banknote starts the first one – throwing his piglet into the air, he immediately reports what will fall out: heads or tails. If the guy (or beauty) is lucky, then the participant gets the opportunity to add some something to the previously installed container.

If the side is not guessed, or the coin is dropped altogether, the unlucky player needs to drink what is in the center. This cocktail can get really wild: anything is mixed with anything, and some dreamers even try to pour their perfume into a glass, telling others that this is also alcohol.

Deep Throat

At the end of every party, the question always arises: who pays for the drinks? With the help of this exciting game, you can always decide exactly whose wallet will lose those extra pounds after a successful binge.

Rules of the game

Inveterate debaters arrange a competition: in a container of at least 0.5 liters. beer is poured, which must then be drunk in one sitting.

The classic variations in this game compete only in the speed of drinking, but it is much more interesting to count the sips for which those who do not want to pay will drink alcohol.

The winner is the one who spends fewer sips on drinking than the opponent. If in the end it turns out to be a draw, the game starts over and becomes even more exciting.

We warn you: not everyone can drink so much hard alcohol (or even beer) without health consequences!

Do not get involved in adventures that can harm the body.

Relevance: 20.11.2019

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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