Experts advise: When counting calories, do not forget about the nutrients that we are depriving ourselves of, refusing to eat one or another.
It is believed that for the sake of a slim figure, one must forever switch to a diet of cucumbers, cabbage leaves and chicken breast. Fruits? Nuts? No, that you, too much sugar, too much fat. However, nutritional experts say that too monotonous a diet leads to many nutrient deficiencies. In addition, these high-calorie snacks, if not overused, are very useful in losing weight. After all, they relieve hunger for a long time.
They are used to make olive oil, which means they are very fatty. Everything is true, but olives, in addition to healthy unsaturated fats, also contain fiber and vitamin A. It’s not for nothing that olive oil is the cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet. In addition, olives are not at all as high in calories as oil: 100 g of fruit contains about 115 calories. It turns out that 50 g of olives will definitely not harm the figure, but they will relieve the feeling of hunger.
Peanuts are not nuts, they belong to the legume family. It is definitely worth avoiding it only for those who are allergic to this product. But the rest can easily afford 30-50 g of nuts (sorry, but we will call it that way, in the old fashioned way) per day. That’s 180-250 calories. Peanuts are high in protein and healthy fats, and in the form of peanut butter (no sugar) gives you a lot of creativity. By the way, it is very easy to make the pasta yourself, just beat the nuts properly in a blender.
It is usually advised to eat only protein. Therefore, for fitness maniacs, they even began to sell egg whites in tetrapacks, like milk. Losing weight do not like yolk, since it is in it that almost all the calorie content of a chicken egg is concentrated. But nutritionists say that two whole eggs a day will not do any harm to your figure. Moreover, eggs are called superfood for their unique nutritional properties: vitamins and minerals in the composition. In addition, the calorie content of one whole egg is about 80 calories. Is it worth it to save on the benefits?
Whole dairy products
Only the lazy did not advise those who are trying to lose weight to give up milk. There are even myths about milk – they say, it is only harmful to adults. And if you buy dairy products, then fat-free. However, dairy products are needed in the diet: this is both calcium and high-quality protein. Cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir should be whole, by no means fat-free: calcium will not be absorbed from them. Plus, whole foods fill you up much better – you’ll just eat less.
If you are now choking on a lettuce, we understand you quite well. How can you advise those who are on PP and healthy lifestyle to eat bacon and lard? Easily! Pork fat contains a lot of useful substances, for example, vitamin F – the body cannot produce it on its own, while the condition of the skin and hair largely depends on it, it affects the rate of aging. In the morning, a piece of salted bacon will not hurt, eat to your health.