Often, it is not the lack of connections or abilities, or even laziness, that slows us down in moving up the career ladder. We are just very afraid. It is fear that makes us look for all sorts of excuses and excuses to say “no” to a new position or project. How can this be fixed?
Before fighting fear, it is important to admit to yourself: yes, I am afraid. Fear is absolutely normal and even necessary. Fear protects us from possible danger. Real or imaginary – for our psyche there is no difference. Therefore, recognizing the existence of fear, it is important to look him in the eye.
Why am I afraid? I already had a bad experience and I’m afraid that it will happen again? What’s the worst thing that will happen if that happens? Ask yourself these questions when faced with something that scares you, and, quite possibly, you will realize that in fact you just made up a lot of yourself.
What exactly can scare us?
There is little space at the top. While you are a simple manager, you can wash the bones of the boss together with colleagues, discuss news with them at dinner, share your innermost. But as soon as we climb a step higher, yesterday’s friends become subordinates.
Losing your pack and being alone is really scary. In fact, behind this is the fear of death – the deepest of all. That’s just a promotion – it’s still not a sentence. This is a great opportunity to change not only your life for the better, but also to help those who are dear to you.
You are not the boss that everyone hates, you are a person who knows the team “from the inside”, and now it is in your power to make sure that each of its members is as comfortable as possible. And if it doesn’t work out, and you will still be considered an “upstart” and a “tyrant” … Well, you are a leader, and your professional family is now top managers.
The success of one person often means the failure of another. And this is not about the Olympic Games, where there are always winners and losers, but about ordinary life, where we so love to compare ourselves with others. Having climbed the career ladder above our friends, classmates or relatives, we may well become the object of their envy and a constant reminder that they could not achieve the same brilliant results.
But this is their problem, no matter how rude it may sound. In addition, success has another side – a positive one. Your partner and childhood friends may be inspired to take off and finally achieve what you have always dreamed of. If you have money, you can help others – do charity work or help realize the dreams of people close to you. In short, you can gain much more than you can lose. So why not take a chance?
In fact, it’s not the failure itself that scares us, but the reaction of others. We are afraid not to justify someone’s hopes, to be not good enough, weak, imperfect. And the more effort we put in, the higher we take off, the harder it is to fall. It’s much safer to just sit still.
It’s just that making mistakes is not scary, and it’s not the one who fell several times who loses, but the one who was afraid to go further. Think: who exactly are you afraid to disappoint and why? It is quite possible that an image of one of the parents will pop up in your head.
Sometime in your childhood, you learned that in order for your mother to love you, you need to be “good”: bring straight A’s from school, be obedient, and not argue with your elders. In short, to be perfection itself. But you didn’t know that all this has nothing to do with love.
Think for yourself: is it possible that if your partner accidentally breaks the cup that you liked so much, will you stop loving him? What if it’s your child? By the way, is the relationship with colleagues a love or is it just a job?
Any career change, even a positive one, is stressful. To avoid it, we sometimes give up great opportunities. This anxiety is quite understandable: a new stage in the professional sphere is most often new tasks and sometimes a higher responsibility. Yes, there could be more work. Why change something when you can sit still where everything is stable?
But stability is a myth. If you are a hired employee, even a very valuable one, you can be fired at any time, and if you are an entrepreneur, you can lose your business for a thousand reasons. Either we will make the choice, or one day someone will make it for us: after all, it is only in the photo that time freezes, and life is a constant movement. So why not move forward if you get the chance?
Think positive, imagine what opportunities will open up for you if you risk leaving your familiar place. When you have a dream, this is the first step to success. Further, your task is to make it turn into a goal: be specific, limited in time, really important to you and at the same time achievable.
We are afraid of responsibility, because we are sure that if we make a mistake, some kind of punishment awaits us. As children, we were scolded or even punished if we did not cope with what our parents entrusted us with, if we let down friends or classmates. By the way, this could not even happen to you, but it was quite enough to remember: it’s better not to stick your head out.
The lower the position, the less responsibility. But also less salary and opportunities. If you understand that you are capable of more, if you are given a chance to change something in your professional life, but you are scared, you can … just prepare and make sure.
Avoid sudden career jumps, master new areas gradually – so the likelihood of making a mistake will be lower. But even if you feel like you can’t do it, just take a deep breath and ask yourself: so what? What threatens me? You are no longer a child, and no one will put you in a corner.
In the worst case, you will simply be fired, but this is not the end of the world. Having climbed the career ladder once, you will almost certainly be able to do it again: after all, you have experience, and you already know how to get through the most “terrible” steps and not fall down.
About the Author:
Julia Lavrishko – Founder of the advertising and PR agency T.E.M.A.