5 exercises from MelAnnett, for which the face will thank

A blogger and beauty expert has shown that crinkling and stretching to maintain a youthful complexion.

At the end of May, Anna Melnikova, better known as MelAnnett, hosted a webinar for the readers of Wday.ru. Within an hour, Anna told where the double chin actually comes from, how our lifestyle affects our beauty and what needs to be done to maintain it. An avid opponent of cosmetic surgery, MelAnnett believes that simple, constant exercises are much more effective than injections. And what exactly these exercises should be, Anna showed live.

A blogger, an expert in the field of beauty, has developed her own set of tools and methods for preserving youth with her own hands.



  1. Press the index and ring fingers of the right hand to the forehead. Conditional slingshot should be located parallel to the massaged area.

  2. We put the index finger of the left hand in the middle of the “slingshot”.

  3. We press the pads on the forehead and begin to move the right and left hands towards each other (do not forget in what position they are). You need to go so over the entire surface of the forehead for a minute.

Advice from MelAnnett: “When you start doing this exercise, your forehead may seem to move. In fact, you activate blood circulation. And the blood, in turn, delivers nutrients to this zone ”.

Relax your forehead

  1. With warm palms (it is better to grind them well beforehand) we cover the entire surface of the forehead. The hand should be placed parallel to the zone in order to cover a large area with the fingers.

  2. We warm up the forehead for about a minute. This is necessary for the muscles to become more pliable for massage.

  3. Next, we lead our hand from the bridge of the nose to the base of the forehead, and the movements should not be stroking. As if with our hand we pull the forehead to the hair on the head, and this is possible only when the palm is firmly pressed against the massaged area.

Advice from MelAnnett:“I like to drop my head forward and drag my forehead to the top of my head. No kidding. Do this many times. And most importantly, feel that you are deeply penetrating and tightening all these tissues under the skin. “

Exercises to “open” the eyes

  1. We warm up our hands and press our palms tightly to the temples, as if you want to take your head in a vice.

  2. We hold our hands in this position for about a minute to warm up the zone again. Whiskey is one of the most atrophied parts of the face as we hardly ever use it. In addition, there are practically no muscles, but an extensive mesh of tendons and fascia is laid, which pulls us together.

  3. After a good warm-up, we continue to squeeze the temples with our palms, and with our fingers it is as if we are clinging to the top of the head and begin to stretch the area. Moving upwards – from the cheekbones to the crown. You need to repeat five to six times.

Advice from MelAnnett: “You may feel like you had a hard ponytail on top of your head, and the exercise creates an open-eyed effect.”

Changing the location of the eyebrows

  1. To begin with, you can do a test – click on the eyebrow and try to twist it. If the eyebrow is spinning a large radius, then it is out of place.

  2. We throw our hand over our head, put our fingers on the upper part of the eyebrow, along the contour of the hairs.

  3. We collect our fingers as if in a fist and raise an eyebrow. We fix it.

  4. With your free hand, massage the eyebrow along the lower part of the arch (under the hairs), starting from the inner corner. You need to massage in tight circular movements.

  5. In just one eyebrow, you need to walk 3 to 5 times, increasing the density.

Advice from MelAnnett:“What is tight? It almost hurts when tears come out of your eyes. “

Pump up lips

  1. First you need to relax your lips as much as possible. Remember how the horse snorts? Try to repeat this several times. After that, you can even make your lips “duck” to make them even more relaxed.

  2. After that, we grab the lips with the index and thumbs of both hands and begin to purse them.

  3. To improve the effect, after the massage, you can put your index fingers over the upper lip and make a slight stretching movement and hold it for a few seconds.

  4. Then we move the index fingers away from each other to the corners of the lips. They need to be led as if to the ears, so that these same corners rise slightly.

  5. The same procedure must be repeated under the lower lip.

Advice from MelAnnett:“No nasolabial exercise. This is a complex problem due to the tight muscles of the nasolabial itself, which manifests itself as a crease, as well as problems related to the neck. Nasolabial, oval, lowered corners of the lips – these are problems of the front of the neck. Therefore, initially it is worth working with the relaxation of the pectoral muscles and the “stretching” of the neck. Then, perhaps, the spasm near the lips will go away and you will not have to specifically work with them. “

All the nuances of the exercises can also be viewed in the saved version of the webinar, available here.

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