5 Effective Treatments for Enuresis

Bedwetting can be caused by a combination of several factors – deep sleep, hereditary features, and pathologies of the genitourinary system. Therapy of nocturnal enuresis is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it. In modern urology, both traditional and unusual, but effective methods of treatment are used.

Effective treatment of enuresis with a urinary (enuresis) alarm clock

5 Effective Treatments for Enuresis

An enuresis, or urinary, alarm clock is a device based on the following principle: the first drop of urine hits a miniature sensor attached to underwear. It is transmitted to an alarm clock or to a bracelet attached to the child’s hand, including a light, vibration or sound signal. To turn it off, you need to wake up, get out of bed, urinate.

Thus, a reflex is formed in children, connecting the urge to urinate with the need to wake up. Important conditions:

  • the child must be over 7 years old;

  • he understands and is aware of the need to use an enuresis alarm clock.

The mechanism of action of the device is not fully understood, but the proven effectiveness of the method ranges from 91 to 99%. The course of treatment takes several weeks, another 2-3 weeks are required to consolidate the skill, after which the pathology does not return.

Video about the principle of the enuresis alarm clock:

Treatment of enuresis with honey water

5 Effective Treatments for Enuresis

Honey is a universal remedy used in the treatment of bedwetting. In this case, the property of honey is used to retain fluid in the body. To prevent nocturnal enuresis, the child should drink honey water before falling asleep. It is prepared very simply – add a teaspoon of honey to 1/2 cup of water. The course of treatment is short – only 3 days. You can divide 100 ml into 3 doses, taking 30 ml three times a day.

A longer course of treatment with honey is 3 months. Honey is added to the infusion of a mixture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, centaury, mint, knotweed, St. John’s wort, birch leaf). To prepare a medicinal drink, 15 g of a mixture of herbs is poured with boiling water, insisted for 10-12 hours, filtered. In 1/2 cup of the decoction, put honey, repeat the intake of the remedy 3-4 times a day.

Special exercises for enuresis

5 Effective Treatments for Enuresis

To get rid of enuresis, there are simple and effective exercises. They are applied on a gender basis: for women, Kegel exercises are used to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor and the sphincter of the bladder, men train the muscles of the perineum.

The sequence of performing Kegel exercises:

  • Squeeze the pelvic muscles responsible for holding the urine stream, stay in this position for 5 seconds.

  • Rest 10 seconds.

  • Repeat 3-4 times.

  • Squeeze the muscles for 10 seconds.

  • Relax for 10 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.

  • Contract your pelvic floor muscles for 30 seconds.

  • Repeat 2 times.

  • The whole cycle is repeated 2 times a day.

Men are advised to interrupt it 3-4 times during urination. With each “training” the time of urinary retention increases. A pronounced result appears after a month of regular exercise.

Enuresis pills

5 Effective Treatments for Enuresis

Drug therapy for bedwetting includes many effective drugs:

  • Minirin. The main active ingredient of the drug is desmopressin, a synthetic analogue of the hormone vasopressin, normally produced by the pituitary gland. The effect of taking Minirin tablets is felt after 15 minutes, lasts 10 hours.

    Contraindications for use – psychogenic and congenital polydipsia, angina pectoris, a tendency to thrombosis, pathology of the respiratory system, impaired consciousness.

    The effectiveness of the remedy is so great that it is able to eliminate bedwetting in one course, judging by the feedback from patients and their parents. Minirin is available as tablets to dissolve under the tongue and as a nasal spray.

  • Driptan. The drug reduces the frequency of involuntary urge to urinate, is an antispasmodic. The main active ingredient oxybutin regulates the contraction and relaxation of the bladder sphincter. It is used for the neurogenic form of nocturnal enuresis in patients older than 5 years.

    Contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a tendency to bleeding, myasthenia gravis. Usually, 2 tablets per day are enough to treat nocturnal enuresis, one of which is taken immediately before bedtime. Although the urge to urinate becomes less frequent, the risk of side effects (headache, weakness, nausea) forces us to look for analogues of the drug.

  • Picamilon. The drug belongs to the group of nootropics that normalize the blood circulation of the brain, acts as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. Contraindications are minimal – this is children under 3 years of age, severe renal failure. It is used as part of the complex therapy of urological diseases in adults and children.

  • Melipramine. The drug belongs to the group of antidepressants, sedatives, used to treat mental disorders, urinary incontinence, nocturnal enuresis. Melipramine has serious contraindications for use: cardiovascular pathologies, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and a tendency to convulsions. For the treatment of bedwetting in children, take 2 tablets, one of them an hour before bedtime. Users note the positive effect of the use of Melipramine. Occasionally, children felt such side effects as nausea and drowsiness, but these manifestations were expressed slightly.

  • Pantocalcin. The drug belongs to the group of nootropics, used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and mental retardation and mental development. Contraindications are minimal – this is pregnancy and individual intolerance. Treatment with Pantocalcin for nocturnal enuresis takes from 2 weeks to several months. The medicine is issued by prescription and taken under the supervision of a physician.

  • 5 Effective Treatments for Enuresis

    Pantogam. The drug belongs to the group of nootropics, it is used in children from 3 years old for the treatment of intellectual and psycho-emotional disorders, developmental delay, neurotic disorders, urinary disorders.

    The medicine is safe, has a minimum of contraindications, positive feedback from the parents of patients. The action of Pantogam is cumulative, manifests itself after 1.5 months of regular use. Side effects are minimal, most often it is increased drowsiness, sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is not recommended to take Pantogam after 16 hours.

Things to consider when using drug therapy:

  • Often the effect of taking drugs is negligible;

  • After discontinuation of the drug, its action ends, it is not cumulative;

  • Side effects are always present;

  • The course of treatment requires considerable material costs;

  • Treatment requires careful attention to dosage, diet, regular intake;

  • The patient must have a clear motivation;

  • Drug therapy is used only in combination with other, non-drug methods, selected on an individual basis;

  • The course of treatment is prescribed and supervised by a doctor throughout therapy.

Video about the features of the treatment of enuresis:

Лечение ночного недержания мочи у детей проводит педиатр, в сложных случаях нефролог, детский уролог.

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