5 effective exercises for developing intuition

It has long been no secret that intuition is a really working tool of the psyche that helps to make the right decisions in life. Many successful and happy people do not hide the fact that they trust their instincts and inner voice. However, not everyone’s intuition works perfectly. How to fix it?

In life, everyone wants to avoid as many mistakes as possible and come to the best version of their future. How to improve the work of intuition? There are 5 simple techniques that will help you train your sixth sense.

1. Contact with the right hemisphere

Since everyone is taught to develop logical thinking from childhood, we by inertia try to listen to the voice of reason, which in practice does not always justify itself. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of intuition, and the left hemisphere is responsible for the work of logic.

In the body, contact with the hemispheres is fixed in the hands: the left hand is in contact with the right hemisphere, the right hand with the left. To develop the work of the right hemisphere and, as a result, intuition, you need to train by performing the usual actions with your left hand.

Think of a question that worries you, and mentally ask your subconscious mind to give you an answer to it.

The simplest example is learning to eat or brush your teeth with your left hand, ideally writing or drawing. This way you will improve contact with the right hemisphere of the brain and at the same time make your intuition work better.

2. Which hand is the coin in?

You will need a second person for this exercise. Ask the assistant to put his hands behind his back and hide the coin in one of them. Once he is ready, have him hold his hands out in front of you and you try to guess which hand the coin is in.

Do the exercise 10-15 times. After that, pay attention: what were your sensations in the body before you managed to guess the location of the coin, and what they were before you gave the wrong answer.

Notice and record the difference. Continue the exercise, paying attention to the sensations. Your efficiency will increase.

3. For the coming dream

To perform the following technique, you need to make yourself a new habit. When you go to bed, first of all release all tension and relax completely. And then proceed to a dialogue with the unconscious.

To do this, think about the question that worries you the most, and mentally ask the subconscious mind to give you an answer to it in a dream.

Keep a piece of paper with a pen next to your bed. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you remember about your dream. The answer can be given in the form of a metaphor that only you can understand, or in plain text.

There are situations when you hesitate between two answers and just can’t decide

For the purity of the experiment, repeat the exercise several times with one question, for example, throughout the week. Then you will better learn to understand the answers of the subconscious and be able to unravel them.

4. Who and why?

Make it a rule every time the phone rings not to look at the screen, but to try to guess who it is. After two or three days, you will notice positive changes in the work of intuition.

Once this skill has been honed, move on to the second part of the technique: having guessed who is calling, try to get a feel for what purpose, and then pick up the phone and specify the purpose of the call.

5. Weighty argument

Another interesting way to develop intuition is to determine the weight of a decision. There are situations when you hesitate between two answers and you can’t decide what is the right thing to do. This exercise will help you.

First, practice getting an answer to a question for which you know exactly the correct answer. Sit straight, relax, bend both arms at the elbows, turning them palms up, while they should be suspended in the air, and not lying on your knees.

When you learn to listen to your intuition, you will be surprised how often it can be beneficial.

For example, you remember exactly what you ate scrambled eggs for breakfast today. Place mentally in one palm the answer “fried eggs”, and in the second, for example, the word “cabbage”. After that, ask yourself the question: what did I eat for breakfast today?

Notice the feeling in your palms. The correct answer will, as it were, put more pressure on the palm, having more “weight”. Do the technique for several days with different questions, the answers to which you know. And then move on to issues in which you find it difficult to make a decision.

Benefits of developing intuition

Choose a profession or decide to leave for a new place, make useful acquaintances, improve the quality of your diet by choosing good foods, get rid of many unnecessary habits and doubts, determine if you are starting a relationship with the right man …

Start exercising your intuition and note the positive results. When you learn to listen to your sixth sense, you will be surprised how often it can be beneficial.

About the Developer

Ksenia Kobyakova – coach, consultant on personality transformation.

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