We try to feed our children fully and balanced, avoid fast food, include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, but we ourselves do not always adhere to these rules. But in vain!
Try to eat the way you feed or would feed your child, and in a week you will notice pleasant changes. Follow these simple rules.
1. Have a full breakfast
In the morning, it is important to feed the child so that he has the strength to study and play until lunchtime, without feeling hungry. Porridge, cottage cheese, cheesecakes, scrambled eggs with vegetables, casserole – most mothers always have several recipes for a quick and hearty breakfast ready. However, adults themselves often get by with a cup of coffee and a bun or other fast carbohydrates that quickly burn out, and after two hours there is an irresistible desire to have a snack.
Eat slow carbohydrates for breakfast – porridge, whole grain bread, granola. Do not forget about protein – eggs, dairy products, meat. They are slowly digested and give a long feeling of satiety. In addition, protein is the main building block of muscles.
Tip: If you don’t have much time in the morning or can’t eat when you wake up, make breakfast the night before. For example, boil eggs and make a sandwich on cereal bread with lettuce and cheese. If you can’t eat breakfast at home, take it with you and refresh yourself on the way to work. It’s better than nothing.
2. Consider snacking
Remember how, as a child, your mother would give you an apple, a sandwich, or yogurt to take with you so that you could have a snack after gym class? This habit should be carried over into adulthood. Take nuts, fruits, oatmeal cookies with you to work. Otherwise, when hungry, there is a great risk of intercepting something harmful – sweet pastries, a chocolate bar, chips.
Tip: keep a strategic supply of nuts and dried fruits in your desk drawer. They not only satisfy hunger, but also have a positive effect on brain function.
3. Eat more fruits
Ask any parent what he would prefer to treat his child – fruits or sweets, and he, of course, will make a choice in favor of fruits. Unlike sweets, in addition to sugar, they contain useful fiber, vitamins and other necessary elements. Why do we ourselves often prefer sweets to crispy apples, juicy oranges and fragrant pears? Try to regularly replace desserts with fruit salad, and you will soon notice a positive effect.
Tip: replace the candy bowl on the kitchen table with a bowl of fruit. Fill it with seasonal gifts of nature, preferably not exotic, but local. Then you and your children will definitely get more vitamins.
4. Do not eat at night
Parents try not to feed their children too tightly at night, because it is more difficult to fall asleep with a full stomach, and an extra charge of energy before bedtime is useless. But we ourselves do not follow these simple and logical rules. So, from now on, no cookies in bed and popcorn in front of the TV. The maximum that is allowed half an hour before bedtime is an egg, cottage cheese, a slice of cheese, some fish or vegetables.
Tip: sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger, so instead of a night snack, you can drink herbal tea or a glass of water.
5. Say no to convenience foods
Until a certain age, we try to feed our children only healthy home-made meals without dubious additives. But gradually semi-finished products, meat and sausage of industrial production, canned vegetables, fried foods appear in the diet. We no longer pay so much attention to the quality and benefits of food, we do not study the composition of purchased products. And in vain. Why not treat your body like a child who should receive everything that is fresh, natural and proven? Worth a try!
Tip: carefully study the composition on the label and follow the rule – if you do not know the component with a tricky name, then it is better not to buy this product.
XNUMX childhood habits to kick
However, some things that our parents teach us should be left in elementary school.
- Eat the entire portion. An adult can decide for himself when he is full, right?
- Eat quickly. Nobody likes it when children spread cooled semolina on a plate for a long time. And yet you need to absorb food measuredly, consciously, enjoying every bite.
- Take candy as a reward. Many parents use sweets as a reward. But we are already adults, right?