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How to relieve a hangover: doctor’s advice that really works
“I felt so good yesterday that it’s still bad” – a phrase that at least once described the state of everyone. The aftermath of a fun party is a way to have a very detrimental effect on your condition throughout the next day. Headache, nausea, weakness and other symptoms most often accompany our unkind morning after an incendiary evening. How to prevent and alleviate the condition and in what ways, will tell the doctor of medical sciences, therapist, founder of the federal clinic “Origitea” Mariyat Mukhina.
The best way to avoid a hangover is to stop drinking alcohol, but this is not always possible. Morning hangover is a protective reaction of the body to the residual products of alcohol processing, namely ethyl alcohol, which is the mainstay of any drink. In order to avoid negative influences, it is necessary to prepare in time.
The causes of a hangover
Hangover syndrome occurs due to the “poisonous” effects of alcohol. With a large amount of its use, the body begins to accumulate the decomposition products of ethanol, namely the elements of acetaldehyde, acetic and lactic acid. Acidosis develops, that is, an acid-base imbalance, which causes a hangover syndrome. And the morning “dry forest” is a sign of dehydration and poor blood circulation, which leads to puffiness of the appearance. In addition, the next day’s exposure to alcohol affects the nervous system, which makes it hypersensitive, so flashing lights and loud music cause discomfort and pain.
The main symptoms of a hangover
Some of the most common symptoms – nausea и vomiting… This happens due to the fact that intoxication occurs in the body due to harmful substances.
Headache appears due to the strongest load on the nervous system and due to the action of acetaldehyde, which is more toxic than the alcoholic drink itself.
High pressure is also a sign of intoxication, as toxins affect the cardiovascular system and cause swelling.
Ways to prevent hangover
«Do not lower or mix “- this is the golden rule of any party, if the vacationer wants to get up with a more or less fresh head. Alluring bright various cocktails are the enemies of the body, since they contain a large number of additives, flavors and different types of alcohol, in the digestion of which the body can fail.
In addition to alcoholic beverages, you must drink plain water, since alcohol is a diuretic and leads to dehydration. So remember to stay hydrated throughout the evening.
A few days before taking strong drinks, experts recommend eating iodine-containing foods, for example, seaweed, shellfish, and so on. These foods activate the production of thyroid hormones, which enhances the oxidation of alcohol.
A few hours before drinking alcohol, it is worth taking vitamin B6, which helps to activate enzymatic liver activity, which is more responsible for the processing of alcoholic beverages.
During a meal, it is extremely important to eat a large meal, as fatty foods and dairy products can create a protective barrier to the mucous membrane.
Medical treatments for a hangover
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are more commonly used to relieve headaches. They thin the blood and relieve pain, but remember that these drugs are a disguise, not a treatment. They relieve the symptom, but they do not eliminate the cause.
Adsorbents are able to remove toxins from the body and are involved in the detoxification process.
Vitamins are extremely necessary for the body, and since alcohol removes such important elements as potassium, magnesium and glucose, it is imperative to make up for the loss of these substances.
A specialized hangover remedy that has a complex and quick effect.
Droppers based on glucose-salt and saline solution are able to compensate for the lack of fluid in the body, in addition, they are a diuretic that removes alcohol and toxins from the body. Also, droppers may contain vitamins, which will be aimed at restoring the metabolic process and acid-base balance.
It is important to understand: in order to bring the body into action, you should not self-medicate, it is best to immediately contact a specialist in order to avoid the consequences.
Foods to help restore the body
In order to help the body get rid of toxins, it is worth eating food with glycine, for example, jellied meat or aspic.
Honey improves the metabolic process and contains many vitamins, therefore it helps with poisoning.
Kefir will help to improve the digestive system, and protein and enzymes cleanse the body of alcohol breakdown products.
A hangover is a temporary condition brought on by alcohol. It will not be easy to cope with it, but it is possible, especially if you trust qualified specialists who will cleanse the body and bring it back to normal.