
Some small habits seem unimportant, but they often lead to a breakup. We give «bad advice» on the destruction of relationships that make you think hard and reconsider your views on your own behavior.

Many couples strive for marriage for years, and manage to destroy it much faster. In order to maintain the happiness of living together for a long time, each of the spouses must work on relationships, and first of all — on themselves.

So here’s what not to do in marriage:

1. Living beyond your means

A wife who chooses not to work can demonstrate her appreciation and respect for her husband by being careful about the family’s financial resources and trying to make the best use of what the family has. Constantly complaining about not having enough money and accumulating credit card debt is not the best way to say “thank you” to a husband who is trying to provide for his family.

2. Complain constantly

Bad mood happens to everyone, regardless of age and gender. But there are husbands who, having crossed the threshold of the house, have to listen to constant complaints about everything from an unsuccessful haircut and a broken kettle to unpleasant co-workers and loud neighbors. Constant negative emotions suppress the person on whom they are poured out. And the husband perceives constant complaints about life as his own inability to help the woman he loves, to make her happy.

3. Don’t pay attention to your husband

When children, parents, career and friends, and not the husband, are at the top of the wife’s list of life priorities, the latter may decide that he does not occupy an important place in her life. Put your husband first. It may seem wrong and ineffective, but you will be surprised how much happier you will make both him and your marriage.

4. Use sex for psychological manipulation

We all need physical intimacy, affection, and sex helps spouses fulfill these needs. Sex is a way to share your feelings and intimate desires with each other, but not a way to control or correct the behavior of a spouse. Manipulating others through sex is not worth it, this will only lead to misunderstanding and quarrels.

5. Speak different languages

Women like to speak in hints, and men often do not understand these hints. You should not waste your time and try to achieve something from your husband through hidden and encrypted signals that he will not eventually perceive. Be open and talk directly with your spouse about your desires and thoughts. It is useless to the husband’s question «What happened?» answer: «Nothing.» He will not be able to read thoughts, but most likely he will understand the words **.

* K. Carmen «5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage»,

** Ch. Alter «Article on How Wives Can Keep Husbands Happy Is Going Viral», Time, December 2014

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