5 easy and effective meditation exercises
Exercise # 1: focus on your breathing
Settle in sitting or lying down and close your eyes.
Breathe calmly and deeply and focus exclusively on that. Feel the inhale and exhale. The air passing through your nostrils, entering your lungs, the movements of your belly …
If you are distracted by a thought, do not chase it away, welcome it, but immediately return your focus to your breathing.
This seemingly simple exercise can turn out to be difficult at first, as your thoughts will wander all the time. Persevere, and always bring your focus back to your breathing. The more you practice, the more results you will get. You can, to make things easier for you, count like this: 1 I breathe in, 1 I breathe out, 2 I breathe in, 2 I breathe out and so on up to 10. If you get lost in your thoughts, start over at 1 .
Start with a few minutes and then extend the exercise when you are able to concentrate more easily.