5 discoveries of scientists who only have a hand in housewives

5 discoveries of scientists who only have a hand in housewives

Agree, this is much more useful than finding out if there is life on Mars … At least, you always have an argument for your husband.

More and more women seem to be joining the ranks of scientists. How else to explain that researchers are increasingly racking their brains not over global warming and space travel, but over everyday and routine matters.

Take, for example, the recent five discoveries, and you no longer have to blush that you forgot to make your bed, and the iron has long been covered with cobwebs …

Yes, you heard right. What your mother taught you so diligently turned out to be a matter not only useless, but also life-threatening.

As it turned out, the excessive pedantry of some housewives can have a bad effect on the well-being of the sleeping people. Experts say that after being ironed, the fabric gains strength, which prevents air from penetrating and the characteristic absorption of moisture during sleep … Well, and not for long before sick leave!

And among other things, according to the supervision of psychiatrists, people who are accustomed to sleeping on freshly ironed bed linen are more susceptible to criticism and perceive it inadequately, with a large share of resentment. Such people spend a lot of effort on educational work to idealize other people, which is why they often remain alone. More details here.

And again we win an extra couple of minutes for makeup or a cup of coffee. There is no need to make the bed. Moreover, housewives, who regularly keep order in the bedroom, contribute to the spread of … dust mites.

Scientists estimate that a dust mite population of about 1,5 million lives in an ordinary bed. When we sleep and dream, they … eat. Don’t be alarmed: the mites feed on microscopic dead skin particles that fall off your body like leaves from autumn trees. But for a full-fledged existence, ticks still need moisture. It can be sweat, saliva, tears or spilled tea – the animals do not care. The main thing is that when you make the bed, it becomes a cozy greenhouse, pushing the animals to further prosperity. If the bed is not made all day, it will dry out faster, which the ticks absolutely do not like (they can die from this).

And the results of this study completely refute all theories that existed before … As it turned out, the principle of “husband after mammoth – wife at the hearth” has long failed!

Scientists have noticed a link between the cooking process and the risk of cardiovascular disease in the fairer sex. Moreover, the more often a woman has to cook and fry, the higher the risk of heart problems.

The researchers believe this is because when people cook for themselves, they eat more than when they buy food from the store. In addition, while cooking, you have to constantly taste the food. And these are additional calories and fats in the body …

Asks, say, the husband to take him to work! And you: “dear, I can’t! Getting up early is harmful ”… No matter how absurd it may sound, there will still be some truth in your words.

Scientists in Pennsylvania have noticed that people who wake up early are more likely to see a doctor.

Experts have collected data on 4000 people aged 23-29 years. It turned out that getting up early every day increases the workload on the heart. Scientists from Japan made the same conclusions. According to their findings, those who get up early are more likely to end up in the hospital with signs of a heart attack.

It is especially harmful for “owls” to get up early. These people have a biological clock set in such a way that they cannot stay awake early in the morning, it is better for them to sleep an extra couple of hours, and then they feel much better.

Dishwasher disinfects better

Finally, ask for a dishwasher. And no, not because you are too lazy to rinse a couple of plates … After all, it’s really easy to do.

Another issue is that modern dishwashers disinfect better. In the sink, as a rule, we use the same sponge several times. Moreover, we often neglect cleaning the sink itself.

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