5 cool ways to stop your pet from begging once and for all

The best method is not to train the tailed beast at all to beg for food. But if he is still a little spoiled, you will have to correct the pet’s manners.

He creeps up to the table on soft paws, weightlessly touches the knee, looks into your eyes, dissolving your willpower with his bottomless gaze. And how can you resist, not give the kid a piece from the plate. But this behavior will not be touching for long, then the pet will inevitably start to become impudent and crawl into your plate as if it were his own. Wday.ru has collected five ways to wean a dog or cat from begging and begging.

1. Insulation

The most effective method is when you initially suppress the pet’s desire to grab a piece. Allow it once and your pet will quickly turn the precedent into a habit. It is best to gently isolate the animal from the kitchen. You also need to warn your household and guests to use this practice too. Then the animal will remember that when you eat, you cannot be near.

2. Team

When your pet begins to pester, immediately treat him to something tasty. Continue this for three to four weeks. One fine day, when he once again comes running with mournful eyes, do not give him more delicacies from the table. Command loudly: “Get out!” All this must be done abruptly. It takes time for your pet to get used to it. He must remember your intonation and fix in his memory what it means. You also need to understand that you can’t put your food into its bowl in front of your pet. Do it secretly if you really want to treat your pet.

3. Balanced feed

Pay attention to the food. The pet should eat on a schedule and in a balanced way. Then he will have less temptation to steal something – he is full, he does not need anything from you. In addition, human food is still not suitable for animals and can negatively affect their health. By the way, according to reviews of many owners, this method works great.

4. Ignoring

Try not to pay attention to any tricks and ostentatious suffering of the animal. If a dog or cat begins to pester you, then defiantly get up from the table and put the food in a bowl. The way the animal will understand where its place is for eating. Do not try to persuade him to behave himself and leave the kitchen. The pet may misinterpret your monologue and gentle intonation and decide that it needs to ask even more plaintively and louder.

5. Spoon

Another interesting way that many dog ​​breeders use. This takes literally ten minutes. Type in a mug of hot water, put a spoon in there. Sit down at table. Take, for example, a cookie or some other treat, start showing it to the dog and offering it. Then put your hand down with a piece. When the animal tries to grab it, lightly hit it on the nose with a hot spoon. Then repeat this trick again. Thus, the dog will understand that at the sight of a spoon it is necessary to retreat.

A more humane version of a spoon is a rolled newspaper or a spray bottle with water.

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